Forever Stylish Issue 1 June 2017 | Page 2

C an a single photograph change your life forever? I like to think so. I was a shy child and an awkward teenager, and I hated being photographed. At about fifteen years old, I saw a snapshot of myself wearing a plain black T-shirt, probably taken by my brother, and I thought "Hey, I don't look so awful in that photo!", and my next thought was "Black really suits me." Karin Davidson Image Consultant Now, up until that point, I had never heard of, or thought about, certain colours suiting certain people, although I knew my grandma loved wearing red. But, then, I loved my grandma in anything, especially in her pink flannel nightgown with the white lace, with her long grey hair released from its bun and brushed out, and the smell of talcum powder lingering. It took many years and interesting twists of fate for that one thought to turn into a passion and another few years for it to turn into a career, but the wonder of it still excites me daily. It's as if colour and style and the knowledge of it is a magic wand that we can swing to awaken a part of ourselves that we often didn't even know existed. Join me in exploring this wonderful, magical world of colour, style and fashion in this magazine. I hope it brings you as much joy as it does me.