Forever Keele - Summer 2024 | Page 31

The Keele Experiment – Reflections on the university ’ s past , present and future .
16 | FOREVER Keele

The Great Experiment

The Keele Experiment – Reflections on the university ’ s past , present and future .

Written by Professor Tim Lustig Director of Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences & Professor of Literary Studies
With special thanks to Helen Burton Special Collections and Archives Manager
The Early Years
There was talk of a university in North Staffordshire before the First World War . In 1908 , the economic historian R . H . Tawney established an adult education course in Longton – a key moment in recognizing the potential and the need for post-school education in this area .
The university was initially known as the University College of North Staffordshire . Its first Principal was Alexander Dunlop Lindsay . A Fellow and later Master of Balliol College , Oxford , Lindsay knew Tawney and believed higher education had a key role in a democratic society .
Lord Lindsay photographed outside Keele Hall , c . 1950 ( possibly on the day of the Queen ’ s visit , 17 April )