Forever Keele Summer 2022 | Page 7

General news | 7
Hinna Sheikh , Race Equality Officer at Keele University said : “ It was such an honour for us to be hosting this football tournament with refugees from local and surrounding areas coming to take part . We hope that the tournament was a positive experience for all those taking part and an opportunity to break down barriers through the medium of sport .”
Russell Clark , Director of Keele Language Centre said : “ Having Keele students and staff meet and socialise with refugees has been a fantastic experience for everyone involved . Keele has always championed inclusivity and diversity and we ’ re in a unique position to be able to reach out and offer support to refugees and to help them develop the skills which not only help them integrate , but which also allow them to aspire to studying at university .”
Keele University has bolstered its Article 26 Sanctuary Scholarships scheme funding to support even more refugees , in the wake of the Ukrainian crisis , providing over £ 1m in financial support to refugees or those with similar status in the UK .
Article 26 of the Declaration of Human Rights states that ‘ everyone has the right to education ’, and Keele University is committed to supporting students from all backgrounds to access higher education and provide scholarships for asylum seekers and forced migrants who are seeking sanctuary in the UK .
As such , up to ten of Keele ’ s Article 26 Sanctuary Scholarships will now be available – for September 2022 entry – at both undergraduate and postgraduate taught level . This support and funding from the University includes :
• A full tuition fee waiver for all years of study ( up to four years )
• Provision of on-campus accommodation at no cost for the duration of their course
• A cash bursary of £ 400 per month of study
• An additional award of £ 250 each year loaded onto the student ’ s Keele card , courtesy of the Felix Andrew Student Opportunity Fund .