Forever Keele Forever Keele - Winter 2022 | Page 31

ArtsKeele | 31


Keele has a vibrant arts programme , comprising visual art , music , poetry , performances and other cultural events . We have our own gallery located in the Chancellor ’ s Building , a new space for smaller exhibitions in Chapter ’ s Cafe , and host a wide range of events throughout the year , including a full and varied music programme , public lectures and live poetry readings .
In recent months we have been fortunate to welcome some wonderful artists to Keele . A couple of highlights include :
Look the Other Way & the Skin Tones Project | William Ntiamoah
Our first exhibition of the 2022 academic year featured the work of local MA Fine Art graduate William Ntiamoah . Look the Other Way exhibited a selection of Ntiamoah ’ s work , which draws a critical view on social , political and cultural issues . Often referencing colonial themes and playing with stereotypes and stigmas attached to being African , one side of his practice explores the contrasting relationship between his experiences growing up in Ghana and England and how this can construct a new perspective from which Africa can be viewed .
Ntiamoah also led a painting workshop as part of The Skin Tones Project , which saw members of the public and Keele students spend a Sunday in Chapters Café , exploring painting techniques , colour and composition . This , we hope , will be the first of many workshops in Chapters Café ! Will ’ s exhibition coincided with the Keele SU Diversity Festival where we shared a projection of art onto the side of the University Chapel featuring work by Will and other local artists . This exhibition was in partnership with Kwanzaa Collective UK .
Going forward we have more exciting events and activities planned ...
The Rural Interior of the Imagination | Semaan Khawam
6 DECEMBER 2022 – 23 MARCH 2023
ArtsKeele are thrilled to present an exhibition of works from self-taught multidisciplinary Lebanese-Syrian artist , Semaan Khawam . The Rural Interior of the Imagination features a collection of moving paintings , poetry and sculpture . For Khawam ( AKA Birdman ), the Bird is a recurring motif ; to him the representation of the bird is the epitome of freedom , transcending borders and migrating depending on the season , moving easily and freely , unlike him . Khawam records his uncomfortable realities through a multidisciplinary approach , drawing inspiration from his daily life in Beirut .
Khawam has participated in over 30 collective exhibitions in Lebanon , Bahrain , UK , Germany , France , New York , Singapore , Italy , Taiwan and Jordan and is based in London . In June 2022 , Khawam was Artist in Residence at Appetite ’ s Newcastle Common as part of the Keele Key Funded project ‘ Art for Peace ’, working with the Lunch Club participants to create artworks , that will also be featured in this exhibition .
Orchestra for the Earth as part of Keele Green Festival 2023
Be transported to the world of breath-taking mountains , lush valleys and glittering turquoise lakes with this immersive Alpine-theme programme . Soloists from Orchestra for the Earth will play works by Mahler , Berg and Richard Strauss under epic film projections of the landscape that inspired this sensational music . The orchestra has a special relationship with the Alps , touring there every year to generate support for a new nature reserve in Austria and run outdoor musical projects with local children and musicians . The programme opens with Mahler ' s achingly beautiful Adagio from his unfinished Tenth Symphony , followed by Berg ’ s gorgeously romantic Seven Early Songs . The programme finishes with Strauss ’ s joyous Rosenkavalier Suite , packed full of timeless melodies and witty waltzes .
As part of Keele University Green Festival 2023 , there will be a short discussion of this event with academics from Keele who will consider the impact of the alpine landscape and climate change .
This is just a taste of what ArtsKeele has planned for spring / summer 2023 . There will be much more on offer , so please visit the web pages or social media @ ArtsKeele to find out more !