Forensics Journal - Stevenson University 2015 | Page 24
throughout the computer network. Shape Security acknowledged
the potential role of “real-time polymorphism” from a cybersecurity
perspective and invented ShapeShifter, a prototype technology which
uses this polymorphic capability to prevent cyber attacks (“Shape
Security,” 2014). Knowing that attackers rely on the “static elements”
(i.e. the static web codes) of information technology networks to
spread their malicious codes, the company is experimenting with
polymorphic code on websites to “simply disable the automation
that makes these attacks possible” (“Shape Security,” 2014). The
ShapeShifter presents a potential solution to eliminating the threat
of a major DDoS attack.
operators to adopt best practices in accordance with the framework.
For example, should a data breach occur and the company had not
implemented best practices available to protect their vital resources,
victims could cite NIST framework version 1.0 as proof of the
company’s negligence.
CylancePROTECT and ShapeShifter represent cutting edge
cybersecurity technology which both the government and privateindustry businesses could employ to thwart cyber attacks. For
example, to achieve a successful attack on a system currently utilizing
polymorphic code in its cybersecurity defense, a terrorist would have
to invest a greater amount of time and effort to infect a well-protected
system. By that time, they could have moved on to an easier target.
The rationale here should be that the United States does not want
its critical infrastructure to be the easy target. However, will critical
infrastructure operators use this type of forward-thinking technology
in their daily operations, or will they remain the comparatively soft
targets in the eyes of a terrorist?
The first issue is the voluntary nature of the framework. By adopting
a voluntary compliance approach, companies will conduct business
as usual and invest their time, effort, and money into other operating
costs instead of enhanced security measures.
The cybersecurity framework recognizes current deficiencies in
critical infrastructure systems and sets forth a plan to resolve those
difficulties. However, several features render it useless in the event
of a cyber terrorist attack. These are: v