Forensics Journal - Stevenson University 2012 | Page 21
this market depth definition regarding transaction execution locations. Traders must have access to a location with sufficient volume to
execute their order.
A stub quote is “an offer to buy or sell a stock at a price so far
away from the prevailing market price that it is not intended to be
executed” (SEC Approves 1). Market makers are obligated to provide
liquidity, especially in times of volatility, such as May 6, 2010. The
obligation to provide liquidity involves supplying transactions on
both sides of the market. On May 6th the volatility of the market
accelerated the rate of price movement and caused some stocks, such
as Accenture, to plummet. Maintaining a market for these shares
required constant re-evaluation of quoted positions resulting in more
sell orders than buy orders. The nearly valueless quotes executed that
day were stub quotes, and were not intended for execution.
The current market structure is fragmented. There are several entry
points available for traders, both retail and institutional, to execute
their orders. The prices for a given security may vary slightly depending on the entry point due to quoting activity displayed in the given
market. In addition, not all entry points are visible to one another.
One example is “dark pools.” Dark pools are used by institutional
investors. Typically, they are used to conceal large block trades from
the investing public and other large investors.
James Brigagliano notes that dark pools are scrutinized for both
their lack of transparency and their limited availability solely to
institutional investors. Retail investors, in particular, argue that dark
pools put them at a competitive disadvantage because they cannot
see the true demand for a security and may miss out on the best
price. Institutional investors argue that disclosing large block orders
will prevent them from receiving best execution in the form of best
pricing because HFT and other electronically nimble traders will be
able to benefit from the pricing changes that the large institutional
orders generate. Meanwhile, regulators are also disadvantaged because
only trades, and not quotes, are displayed on the consolidated tape.
The consolidated tape is further limited for dark pools in that it only
displays the trade without providin