Forensic Science Undergraduate Programmes 2020 2020 entry | Page 25

Undergraduate Programmes 2020 | 25 Student spotlight “I graduated from Keele University in 2012 after an amazing experience. I learnt so much in that short amount of time. Keele provides a brilliant atmosphere; being a campus university it has everything that you need on campus making the transition to university life easier and enjoyable. Also, the nightlife was fantastic. Forensic Science is such a broad area of science, and is ever expanding, so I was grateful to the variety of topics we covered at Keele. One of the big advantages was the extensive time spent in the laboratory getting hands on experience with a range of analytical instrumentation. I was impressed by the amount of laboratory time we were given and the variety of instruments available. After leaving Keele I initially secured a job as a science technician at a high school, then succeeded in gaining a job as a forensic scientist within a drugs department. I definitely feel that the degree course I studied at Keele provided me with an excellent advantage when applying for this job after gaining experience in TLC, GC-MS and HPLC which I now use on a daily basis within my job. I have recently been promoted to a Reporting Forensic Scientist, I feel very grateful to have found a job in my chosen field and I know my degree at Keele was definitely worth all the effort I put into it.” CARLIE WHITING, BSc FORENSIC SCIENCE WITH CRIMINOLOGY REPORTING FORENSIC SCIENTIST AT KEY FORENSIC SERVICES “We have both enjoyed our time at Keele immensely. We took the single honours route which allowed us to be fully immersed in all aspects of forensic science and helped us work out what areas we’re both interested in. Both of us particularly enjoyed Forensic Anthropology, doing our third year project in this area and Hazelle is going on to do a masters in this area. Alongside the forensics degree we got the opportunity to enjoy many aspects of Keele which is a truly wonderful place to study. We worked alongside the staff in our department to help set up the first ever Forensic Science Society at Keele which we hope will run for many years to come. This is a fun, student led society that provides both academic and social opportunities for any student at Keele. Both of us also got involved at the university by being student ambassadors. This scheme provides a flexible part time job that allows us to interact with prospective students and tell them all about everything Keele has to offer. The Forensics course has some truly wonderful staff that have supported us and worked alongside us throughout our degree. It is a collaboration and we have gained lifelong skills and friendships that we will treasure for the rest of our careers and beyond.“ HAZELLE WHITEHEAD, ROSE BRIDGEWATER. FINAL YEAR SINGLE HONOURS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS