Foreign Buyers Guide to Buying a Home in Arizona USA For US citizens and residents | 页面 4

table of contents

02 .
fIrst aMerIcaN tItLe braNch Locator Map
16 .
expLaNatIoN of tItLe coMMItMeNt
03 .
QuIck refereNce page
17 .
uNderstaNdINg tItLe INsuraNce
04 .
fast facts for buyers
18 .
coMpare our eagLe poLIcy
05 .
LIfe of aN escroW
19 .
Who pays cLosINg costs ?
06 .
beNefIts froM a professIoNaL reaLtor ® couNt oN fIrst aMerIcaN
20 .
addItIoNaL tItLe threats Who seLects the tItLe coMpaNy ?
07 .
terMs you shouLd kNoW
21 .
arIzoNa ’ s good fuNds LaW
09 .
obtaININg a NeW LoaN What you Need for the LoaN appLIcatIoN
22 .
cLosINg your escroW after the cLosINg
couNty tax dates
10 .
What to avoId durINg the LoaN process types of LoaNs
23 .
arIzoNa area codes
11 .
12 .
Ways to take tItLe
reNt vs . buy
24 .
vehIcLe reg . & drIver ’ s LIceNse schooL IMMuNIzatIoNs arIzoNa pets
13 .
Mortgage payMeNt charts
25 .
MarIcopa schooL dIstrIcts
14 .
seLectINg a hoMe
27 .
pLaNNINg your Move
15 .
the escroW process

buying a home