Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview | Page 7


Gifts made during the fiscal year , July 1 , 2019 to June 30 , 2020GIVING


The Prep is pleased to present in the following pages our Annual Report , in which we recognize your generosity . Your gifts transform another young man through an education that helps him think critically , recognize new and undiscovered talents , and commit his life in service to others . The cycle of gratitude and generosity is at the heart of the spiritual vision of St . Ignatius Loyola . Ignatius encourages us to reflect , give thanks , and serve those in need . Each of these steps is related to the other . This report is our opportunity to share our gratitude for you . Your gifts provide 45 % of our students with $ 4.5 million in tuition assistance . Your gifts provide equal access for all students to participate fully in the life of Fordham Prep , in the classroom ; on the stage ; field and court ; through retreats and travel in our Global Education Program ; and in enjoying 21st century facilities worthy of the excellence we should expect of a Jesuit education . None of these experiences exists for its own sake , or even for the sole benefit of the student . All are opportunities to teach the magis , that is , in the words of Ignatius himself , “ dedication to God ’ s greater glory , and the help of souls .” Be assured , then , of our profound gratitude to you . It makes a difference to us . And it makes a difference to the world .
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