Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview | Page 18


144 Members 21 Donors 14.58 % Participation $ 21,300.00 Total Giving $ 8,875.00 Annual Fund John P . Abplanalp Richard R . DeMaio Andrew E . Demarest Raymond J . Dorado Robert G . Fernandez Joseph M . Ferullo Francis J . Ficarra Michael P . Gallagher Thomas P . Gleason Kieran V . Mahoney Michael J . McCabe Peter G . McKiernan Brendan T . O ’ Neill Brian C . O ’ Rourke Peter J . Paganussi Paul J . Reiss Nelson Rosas Camillo M . Santomero Mark W . Thomson Robert J . Valla Nicholas C . Vasti
179 Members 30 Donors 16.76 % Participation $ 83,599.49 Total Giving $ 39,983.50 Annual Fund John K . Avanzino Thomas G . Bell Timothy J . Brosnan Thomas J . Campbell John M . Cautillo Mark J . Cerbone
Michael G . Considine John J . Doran Richard A . Duke Steve A . Falci Thomas A . Ficarra Matthew O . Fitzsimons John A . Fumo James D . Howard William M . Korchak Edward R . Leclerc-Bonanno John J . McAvoy William J . McCabe John E . Moore Daniel W . Morrison John C . Moukad Edward I . O ’ Brien Marko C . Remec Norberto J . Rivera John F . Schutty Robert A . Spolzino Immac J . Thampoe Joseph Trentacoste William J . Whelan Francis X . Young
172 Members 25 Donors 14.53 % Participation $ 17,650.00 Total Giving $ 12,600.00 Annual Fund Lawrence W . Curran Joseph J . DeLosa John R . Dillon Cary R . Ell Steven J . Flynn Jeffrey T . Goetz Paul J . Greco Maurice K . Hyacinthe Greg J . Magner Thomas J . McKenna


3,078 Total Donors
Total Gifts
$ 7,426,053 Total Raised
$ 1,457
Average Gift
Mark S . McMahon Luciano Moschetta Edward T . Ng Lance P . Ogiste Douglas T . Pardo Peter J . Reeder Thomas D . Rizzo Peter M . Rodriguez Christopher J . Schuyler Lawrence G . Sheehan Andrew G . Stadnik Patrick W . Sweeney Russell F . Trahan Edward P . Voli Mark A . Wines
151 Members 14 Donors 9.27 % Participation $ 75,050.47 Total Giving $ 40,927.77 Annual Fund Albert X . Bader Joseph P . Carrozza Mario A . Ciampi Thomas V . Dolan Joseph A . Falasca Geoffrey W . Gray Christopher J . Hanlon Ronald P . Holland Andres S . Linares Lawrence J . McTague John M . Murtagh Steven J . Rapillo Nicholas A . Speranza Eugene J . Whyte
141 Members 15 Donors 10.64 % Participation $ 27,732.50 Total Giving $ 26,382.50 Annual Fund Christopher F . Bader Nicholas E . Brusco John R . Carsky John G . Civetta Armando A . Crescenzi Steven E . Deana Norbert J . Dengler Peter L . Ianniello Stephen B . Jones Wesley K . Kaplow Christopher D . Lauber Thomas J . Mangano Patrick J . McNierney Lawrence A . Murphy Kenneth P . Singleton
154 Members 21 Donors 13.64 % Participation $ 202,069.99 Total Giving $ 43,451.24 Annual Fund John J . Davey Patrick J . Dooley Robert J . Fink Thomas J . FitzSimmons John F . Freeman Dennis P . Garvey Robert M . Haley Matthew J . Holbrook Thomas P . Houlihan
Llewellyn Hyacinthe Adrian V . Kerrigan Paul M . Lauritano Ivor J . Longo James D . Marshall Thomas D . Mauriello Angelo V . Michilli James G . Rizzo Joseph A . Sarcinella John M . Sheehy Timothy J . Stanton Thomas F . Whelan
155 Members 16 Donors 10.32 % Participation $ 18,910.00 Total Giving $ 17,160.00 Annual Fund Joseph M . Albero Laurence G . Bodkin Michael B . Carr David J . Delgado Craig W . Frascati Eric J . Grubelich Glen M . Holland John D . Keogh Jerry C . Kouveras Paul A . Lee Edward K . Lenci Kevin J . O ’ Connor David P . Reiss Neal T . Ryan Kenneth S . Shea Quince V . Venturino
191 Members 18 Donors 9.42 % Participation $ 270,230.00 Total Giving $ 55,730.00 Annual Fund Sammy Acebal Fernando Bragaglia Paul A . Brusco James J . Conforti Keith A . Corpus Joseph J . Donner Vincent C . DonVito Stephen J . Fearon Alan J . Fusco Joseph Gresia James M . Haddad Ronald A . Hoina Hung Jeff N . Kim Edward J . McCabe Jon L . Rapillo Daniel E . Reynolds James S . Rowen Joseph C . Scalisi
179 Members 20 Donors 11.17 % Participation $ 78,676.90 Total Giving $ 52,401.90 Annual Fund Jack C . Botero John D . Brusco Louis P . Caragine James J . Considine Malik K . Cutlar Ron T . deCastro William C . DeMaso
John P . Gadomski Daniel J . Griffin Dennis B . Heslin Joseph P . Lombardi Robert M . Magilton Frank J . Mangieri Charles P . McCaghey Elias A . Papson Michael E . Sohr Paul J . Stapleton Marco G . Sulpizi David C . Trahan Simon L . Walsh
196 Members 22 Donors 11.22 % Participation $ 92,300.00 Total Giving $ 48,625.00 Annual Fund Gregory L . Antonecchia Chris V . Blake Paul C . Coughlan Ralph A . Dengler Joseph A . Felice Joseph G . Fink John W . Haag Daniel D . Hickey Thomas G . Huvane Christopher H . Jones Liam J . Joyce Nicholas C . Katsoris Peter F . Lane Alexander P . Lazor John B . Lazzari Steven Lazzaro Joseph A . Mascia James R . McGonnell Alessandro Mone Mark G . Pedretti Joseph F . Voli Martin J . Waters
176 Members 26 Donors 14.77 % Participation $ 56,342.80 Total Giving $ 36,799.80 Annual Fund Stephan A . Alkins Joseph Bastianich James T . Brennan Paul J . Campisi Andrew A . Cinquina Albert W . Cornachio Anthony A . DeMartino Owen G . Deneny John P . Doran Gregory Drillock Michael G . Ferguson Christopher W . Healy Vincent G . Heintz John L . Mallinson Patrick B . Maloney Charles W . McManus Luigi E . Merli Raymond J . Mikovits Sean M . Molloy James E . Murray Nicholas A . Pirulli Patrick C . Sbano Michael E . Scelsi Michael D . Trovini John J . Walzer William J . Wollman
Photos of individuals without masks and not physically distanced were taken before March 2020 .