How It Helps Prep Students A Brief Reflection
The Board of Trustees and school administration consider
the Prep’s endowment its financial bedrock. It is actually a
composite of many individual endowed funds that have
been donated to the school over the years by families,
individual benefactors and a number of foundations.
These funds provide overall security to the school’s
existence and operation by underwriting the costs of
each student’s education either directly or indirectly. • If you are able, would you endow a specific fund to
support the continued enhancement of tuition
assistance in the school?
When St. Ignatius Loyola agreed to found Jesuit high
schools in 16th century Europe, he prohibited them from
charging tuition so that they could serve the rich and
poor alike. Today, the complex demands of our economy
require our families to pay tuition. Dispite tuition
increases, it still cannot cover Prep costs.
Generations of families have made substantial sacrifices
in order to give their sons an education grounded in the
Ignatian tradition. An increased endowment is essential in
order to keep our tuition within the financial reach of
The primary objective of our endowment is to enable
Fordham Prep to enroll and sustain capable, motivated
students who otherwise might not be able to afford a
Fordham Prep education. The Prep’s success and
continued strong academic and overall ranking rely on
your extraordinary and ongoing private support.
On a smaller scale, certain funds from the endowment
have been dedicated for use for technology upgrades,
religious formation, cultural opportunities, faculty
professional development, field trips, student programs,
athletics, and student prizes and awards.
An Opportunity to Lead
Fordham Prep is asking the generous in spirit to create
the foundation necessary for the next 175 years of Prep
We have the opportunity to forge and to participate in a
new era of generosity. This era will not only provide for
the here and now, but for many years to come.
Will you be one of the Prep’s new leaders?
Please call or come to talk with us in person. Your
participation will affect the lives of many current and
future Prep students—and may well affect your own in
positive ways hardly imagined.
Increasing our ability to provide additional financial
assistance will directly impact current and future
students and their families. We would be able to
attract students whose family incomes preclude
them from even considering Fordham Prep as an
educational option.
• If you are able, would you endow a specific fund to
support the continued enhancement of technology in
the school?
A source of permanent funding to help the Prep
keep abreast of ever-changing developments in
technology would serve an important need.
• If you are able, would you endow a special fund to
further the professional development of faculty members
(e.g., attendance at workshops, conferences, etc.)?
Our dedicated faculty is our greatest natural
resource. Investing in their pedagogical skills,
knowledge base and exposure to new curricular
developments advances the school as a whole.
Today, all of us at the Prep are indebted, in one form or
another, to the generous and forward-thinking men,
women and families who preceded us. These are the
people who have made Fordham Prep possible today.
Will you step forward to make Fordham Prep possible for
Will you help secure our future?