Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview Winter 2018 | Page 16

Around the Prep

The " Get Out of JUG Free Pass " challenge from Giving Tuesday was fulfilled . The Deans were able to release 40 very grateful young men from an afternoon of JUG due to the number of gifts made to the Prep .
At the Activities & Sports Assembly , Ryan Meara ’ 08 , goalie for the NY Red Bulls , addressed the student body about his experiences at the Prep and his career .
Freshmen delivered Christmas crafts to retired Jesuits at Murray-Weigel Hall , including Fr . Mal Fitzpatrick .
Chad Broussard , our new Assistant Principal , treated the faculty and staff to homemade gumbo .
The Asian Club and the Art & Publicity Club came together for a Chinese calligraphy workshop .