Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview SUMMER 17 | Page 30

everything needed for a proper Thanksgiving feast arrived at Rose Hill in time. 27) January 3, 1864: Our founder, “Dagger John” Hughes, passes away after months of illness. 1870s 31) 1870: Bro. Jeremiah Flaherty, SJ arrives at Fordham. For the next 40 years, he would serve the head baker at Rose Hill. Among his bakeshop specialties is a currant scone that would come to be known as the Famous Fordham Bun. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, theses buns are served daily to the boarding students during their afternoon study break, becoming an integral part of school culture. 25) Late Summer 1863 : Esteban Bellán arrives from Cuba to begin what we would call his freshman year at the Prep, completing his Second Division education as an honors student while learning and exceling in the new American game — baseball. After his Prep days, Bellán would go on to play professional hardball with the Troy Haymakers, becoming the first Latin American to play in the big leagues. He is remembered as the “Father of Cuban Baseball.” 32) Early 1870s: Austin O’Malley, Class of 1874, would later recall: “When I went to Fordham first, thirty-seven years ago, 28) January 7, 1864: Future Mexican senator, Juan Tomás MacManus y González, Class of 1867, arrives in New York from Mexico to begin his Prep boarding years at the start of second semester. Later in life, he would recall the traffic throughout Manhattan that day on account of Archbishop Hughes’ funeral. 29) June 1865: Alexander (Alessandro) Cristadoro completes his Second Division studies, following in the footsteps of his half-brother, Joseph (Giuseppe), who had completed his Prep years in 1850. They were the sons of a wigmaker from Palermo, Italy. 30) 1866-1867 School Year: Fr. 26) November 26, 1863: Per President Lincoln’s declaration, Thanksgiving is celebrated as a national holiday for the first time. Prep parents from across the country would coordinate their efforts to make sure 30 | RA MVIE W William Moylan, SJ, Prep and University rector, or president, ushers in a new there were no electric railways, electric lights, telephones, or motor cars; no football, track team, basketball or golf; no juvenile knee britches, no sparrows, typewriters, bicycles, or armored ships.” If sparrows seem an odd additional to the list, one must remember that the now-common brown sparrow was only introduced to North America in the mid-1800s. 33) 1872 or 1873: The Administration bans the campus snack shop from selling pie on account of its unheal