Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview SUMMER 17 | Page 26


service programs , the performing arts , and sports just to name a few areas .”
Perhaps Fr . Devron is most enthusiastic about the Prep ’ s recently launched Global Education Program .
“ This program is a fantastic opportunity for the kind of growth which can only occur when students interact directly with people from different cultures through immersive educational , spiritual and service-related experiences . By studying at a Jesuit high school in Ireland , Australia , South America or Europe , a young man develops new skills and cultural competencies , and he broadens his horizon of learning . In collaborating with his peers at a Jesuit high school in Rwanda or Tanzania , he becomes aware of the universal scope and mission of the Church and the Society of Jesus ; the complexity of social problems in another part of the world ; and the global interconnectedness of issues such as environmental and economic sustainability . He also learns that Ignatian spirituality speaks to the core of the human experience , regardless of one ’ s background . Of course , there is the fun of playing rugby at a Jesuit school in England and exploring culinary options in China . These experiences prepare a young man to navigate a globalized economy and succeed as a leader committed to faith , scholarship and service . In leveraging the Jesuit network of several thousand secondary schools throughout the world — from Europe and Asia , to Africa and South America — we offer our families and students a unique experience and a value proposition which differentiate us among our peer schools .”
“ We also want our enrollment to reflect the diversity of the New York City metropolitan area , which requires the resources to make a Fordham Prep education available to the most qualified students regardless of family background . The Prep is at its best when its enrollment includes students from middle income families , as well as the sons of new immigrants . Or , in the words of St . Ignatius Loyola when describing the first Jesuit schools , Fordham Prep should ‘ include everyone : the rich and poor alike .’ Our partnership with Regis and Xavier high schools to expand the REACH Program demonstrates our dedication to the goal of greater economic diversity . Indeed , making an outstanding education accessible and inclusive is key component of our tradition to promote the common good and transform society ad maiorem Dei gloriam .”
We also demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement by enhancing and updating our facilities . There have already been dramatic recent enhancements : e . g ., Rowen Athletic Field , Joe Fox Track , Donnie Walsh Court , a new front entrance , the renovated Commons . And there are more planned for this summer : e . g ., a new chapel and group study spaces . And yet , additional work remains to update the entire building — especially to renovate and enlarge classrooms in the building ’ s east wing .
How can we accomplish our vision to secure the future ? Through increasing participation and engagement among alumni and parents within the Prep community , we will find the means to invest in campus improvements and grow our endowment . This participation and engagement ensure that Fordham Prep will remain on sound financial footing and will make the opportunity of a Jesuit education accessible regardless of background .
“ We ’ re moving in the right direction . We are called to keep faith with our past and what ’ s been handed down to us — the true meaning of the word ‘ tradition .’ Advancing the future of our mission is only made real when the community is united by a common vision and our alumni , moved by gratitude , commit to generous giving .”
Frs . Parkes , Devron , Boller on altar .