Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview Spring 2019 | Page 15
annual fall Convocation for faculty and staff: Mr. John
Four teachers received their tenure plaques at the
Mercorella ’07 (Social Studies), Mr. Brian Sullivan ’96
(Science), Mrs. Jennifer Muller (Science) and Mr. Paul
Lauber ’08 (English). Retirees gathered for the Bene
Merenti photo. The medal is awarded to faculty and
staff after 20 years of service to the Prep community.
“The Gospel is not just about being charitable. It’s about
justice and being in solidarity with people who are
oppressed. ... It is grace that wakes us up.” Sister Helen
Prejean, CSJ speaking to the Fordham Prep community.
The entire school was treated to a speech and Q&A by
Sr. Helen as part of our first Faith Doing
Justice Summit.
Vol. 3 2018-19 | 15