Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview SPRING 17 | Page 5
The Gospel of Mark begins with the words
of the prophet Isaiah: “Behold, I am sending
from over 110 zip codes who travel each my messenger ahead of you; he will
day to Rose Hill. May we give thanks for the prepare your way. A voice of one crying out
power of creative collaboration, especially in the desert: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord,
in our new partnership with Regis to make straight his paths.’” The messenger, of
expand REACH. May we give thanks for course, is John the Baptist. His entire life
those generous souls like Jim Melican ’58 and mission was to prepare the way for one
and Jim Rowen ’82 who help make our greater than he, to prophetically witness for
mission possible. Finally, may more souls be the coming of Jesus Christ. As our patron
inspired to generosity so that our mission saint, John represents our own
continues to transform the lives of young commitment to live and learn in readiness
men for generations to come, ad maiorem for what leads to God’s greater glory.
Dei gloriam.
We once again find ourselves in the
Christopher J. Devron, SJ liturgical season of Lent, a time of continue to prepare the many details
President preparation, a time of prayer, fasting and surrounding the end of the academic year,
almsgiving. For forty days, we are all with AP exams and graduation right
called—as students, faculty, staff, alumni, around the corner. Many seniors who
family and friends—to renew our faith, to applied to colleges and universities
pause to consider where we have lived up through the regular decision process will
to God’s calling in our lives and where we soon receive their decisions, and discern in
have fallen short. It is a time to begin anew the coming weeks where they will continue
as we allow Christ to make straight our own their educational path. As they depart, we
paths so that we can walk as his disciples in are thrilled to welcome a new class of
the light of faith, hope and love. We freshmen, the Class of 2021. We always
confidently journey together in the desert seem to be preparing for something new,
toward the paschal mystery in the joyful forward looking in our efforts, with
celebration of the Risen Christ at Easter. anticipation for new opportunities and
Anniversary, may we give thanks that the Prep’s mission lives on through students
challenges along the way.
Preparation through prayerful examination
is a practice deeply Catholic and Ignatian. It Our 175th Anniversary has been a graced
is one that is not only reserved for the holy moment in our history to reflect with
season of Lent. Every Friday throughout the gratitude on our tradition of excellence
school year, our students begin the day by and to prepare for the next chapter at
praying the Examen, an ancient practice in Fordham Prep. In many ways, we can
the Church that allows us to discern where consider this year an opportunity for a
God is present in our daily experiences. communal Examen on our institution of
They quiet themselves at the start of the Catholic, Jesuit education. Over the past
day, and in the silence of their prayer look several months, the Board of Trustees,
back on the past school week. It is a administration, faculty and staff have been
life-giving prayer with five simple steps: ask working on our Strategic Plan, which looks
God for light; give thanks; review your day; ahead to the next five years. The effort
face your shortcomings; look toward the brought many voices together to discuss
day to come. St. Ignatius Loyola believed academic excellence, how teaching and
that the Examen was a gift from God. As learning at the Prep ought to be held in
with all gifts, it is meant to be shared with highest regard within the context of
others. Amid the busyness of life in a Jesuit human excellence, a core value of Jesuit
high school, with all the energy and education since the time of St. Ignatius and
enthusiasm of adolescent boys, it is fitting his first companions.
to stop and listen to God’s voice in the quiet
of our hearts.
This is an exciting time for the Prep, a time
of preparation. May God continue to
Now more than halfway through the school strengthen our efforts for current and
year, our 175th on the Rose Hill Campus, future generations of Rams who will be
our days are filled with many preparations formed as men for and with others, called
as we earnestly look ahead. Department to transform the world as leaders in service.
chairs have reviewed course offerings and
students are selecting their classes for next Joseph A. Petriello, PhD ‘98
year. Administration, faculty and staff Principal
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