Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview: Igniting Our Mission Through Generosity | Page 30

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nolan P’12,’14 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nurzia P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. O’Brien P’86 Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. O’Connor P’10,’12 Mr. & Mrs. Conor O’Driscoll P’14 Mrs. William A. O’Dwyer P’02 Mr. & Mrs. F. Peter O’Hara P’90 Drs. Marcelo & Silvia Olarte P’94 Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. O’Neill P’99,’03 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neill P’05,’07 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Rourke P’08,’12 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O’Rourke, Jr. P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. O’Shea P’13 Mrs. Helen O’Sullivan P’87 Mrs. Jeanne Pacchiana P’76,’79 Mr. & Mrs. John Pachuta P’18 Dr. and Mrs. Roger Padilla P’18 Mr. Vincent C. Palermo P’14,’19 Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Palmer P’12 Mr. & Mrs. Alec A. Pandaleon P’75,’78,’80 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paolicelli ‘72 P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Lance Patrouch P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pearson P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Peck P’12,’14 Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Pedretti ‘84 P’19 Ms. Rosemary P. Perley Kwauk P’14 Ms. Mariann G. Perseo P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Petriello P’98, ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Petrocelli P’86, GP’22 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pettus P’17,’19 Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Pinter P’19 Mr. & Mrs. William B. Pollard, III P’89 Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Pond P’02 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Porco P’13 Mr. & Mrs. John Posser P’04,’06 Mrs. Jane F. Power P’06 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Powers P’02 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Puppo P’79 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Carmel Queenan P’14,’17 Dr. & Mrs. James C. Quinn P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Reilly P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Reilly P’12 Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Reiss P’75,’76,’77, ’81,’84 Mrs. Eileen Reynolds P’82 Ms. Gina Riga P’14,’17 Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Rinaldi P’84 Mr. & Mrs. Russ Ringelstein P’18 Mr. & Mrs. George Robinson P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Rodriguez P’01 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Rogan P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Romano P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Valerie Romeo-Messana P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Rooney ‘88 P’17 Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan P’18 Mrs. Teresa Salzo P’16 Mr. Steven Santacroce P’03 Mrs. Susan A. Santangelo P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Santarelli P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Saverino P’11 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Scalisi ‘82 P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Ernst R. Schaaf P’86,’90 Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schmidt P’83 Mr. & Mrs. William Schneider P’16 Mr. John F. Schopfer P’02 Dr. Arthur H. Schore P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Schramm, Jr. P’03,’06 Mr. & Mrs. Mario A. Scolaro, Jr. P’73 Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Sedacca ‘89 P’16 Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Segnini P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Ofelia Seminario P’08,’11 Dr. & Mrs. Rajesh Shenoy P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Sherwood P’99 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Siebecker P’10,’13,’14 Mr. & Mrs. Cary Sleeper P’09,’12 Mr. and Dr. Christopher M. Smith P’11,’14 Dr. Fred B. Smith P’00,’03 Tuition Assistance $20,960 Tuition (2019-2020) Over $4.3 Million in Aid 52% of the school receive aid $4,450 Average Award 30 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Snow P’08 Mr. & Mrs. John Soares, III P’89,’92 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Sohr ‘83 P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sohr P’82,’83,’86,’93 Ms. Julissa Soriano P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Souther P’07 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Specchierla P’82,’87 Mr. & Mrs. David J. Spellman P’73 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Spillane P’93,’95 Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Spillane P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Spitzer P’12,’15 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Spollen P’95 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph St. Onge P’07,’09 Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Staff P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Stella P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Cary Stier P’16 Mr. Joseph Stilwell P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Strada P’91,’94 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Strobel P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Sturges P’08,’12,’17 Mr. Dermod O. Sullivan P’03 Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Sullivan P’87,’90,’96 Ms. Jennifer Sundt P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Suttlehan P’13,’17 Mr. & Mrs. Maurizio Taormina P’12,’14,’19 Mrs. Frances Tavolilla P’04 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thumen P’06 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Thwaites P’13,’19 Mr. & Mrs. John Tobin P’19 Mrs. Patricia M. Tomassi P’93 Mr. & Mrs. Mark I. Townsell P’05,’10 Mr. & Mrs. John K. Trimble P’13,’16 Mr. and Dr. Carmelo Triscari P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Trovini ‘85 P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Girard Tunney P’16,’18 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Turley P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Twomey P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Tym P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tyrrell P’07 Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus J. Ujazdowski P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Russ Vance P’19 Mrs. Eileen P. Venditto P’01,’04,’10 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Ventorino P’99 Mr. Vincent J. Verlezza P’94, GP’23 Mr. & Mrs. Diego F. Vidal P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vignali P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffren A. Villarba P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vitiello P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wacyk P’19 Mr. & Mrs. John B. Walsh P’19 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Walzer, III ‘85 P’16 Mrs. Riska Wanago P’00 Ms. Eileen E. Ward P’92, GP’22 Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Warren P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wartman P’13 Mrs. Helen M. Waters P’84, 96 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Wetty P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Whelan ‘80 P’11,’14,’17 Mr. & Mrs. Chris White P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Ronan M. Wicks P’19 Mrs. Bevolyn Williams-Harold P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Williamson P’11,’13 Dr. Roger A. Wines P’77, 78 Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Wolff P’17 Ms. Joan Wollman P’85 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard M. Woods ‘87 P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wrotniak P’08,’14 Mr. & Mrs. David Young P’15 Mr. Francis X. Young ‘76 P’18 Mrs. Nancy Zajac P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Jules Zaphire P’96,’99 Mr. & Mrs. Omar Zeolla P’18 Ms. Gail E. Zerafa P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Marc L. Zupicich P’19 Current Parents Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Adair P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh B. Alexander P’19,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Amato P’18,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Amelio P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David Anderson P’22 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Angello P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christophe Arroyo P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Aventuro P’15,’18,’21 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Balestriere P’20,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Balsamo P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Barr P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barry P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Bartley P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Myles K. Bartley P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bastianich ‘85 P’18,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bastone P’17,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Terence P. Begley P’20 Ms. Amy Beller P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Ortelio E. Bello ‘93 P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benavides P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Boccia P’21 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Boland ‘86 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Borowsky P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bowe P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Breen P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Brennan P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mirash Bunjaj P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Burbage P’18,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Burke P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Corrado Buzzerio P’17,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Edgar E. Cabrera P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Cadet P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Greg D. Calvert P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Camacho P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cammarota P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Guy L. Campanile P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Canale ‘90 P’20,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Carrillo P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Carroll P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Casson P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Hasan Cebeci P’18,’21 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Chao P’19,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Guobing Chen P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Chmiel P’15,’23 Dr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Cipriani P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Clow P’15,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Cohane P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Cojocaru P’17,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Collier P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Colligan P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Conry P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Coogan P’17,’20 Mr. & Mrs. William Cordingley P’22,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Cosenza P’20 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Coster P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Anton Cotaj P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Coughlin P’19,’21 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Crabtree ‘90 P’21 Mr. William M. Crane P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crinieri P’17,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Croker P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cronin P’22 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Curry P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Curtin P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Daly P’19,’21,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Dan P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Danza P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D’Arcangelo P’21 Mr. & Mrs. John Dare P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Daughtry P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Bryan K. Davis P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. DeConcini P’22 Ms. Dorkis Dejesus P’21 Ms. Peggy Delices P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Della Mura P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. DeMartino ‘85 P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul D’Emilia P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Jon P. Denfeld P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dennehy P’22 Drs. Philip Devine P’18,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. DiChiara P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Dockery P’22 Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Dodman P’22 Mr. & Mrs. James Dolan P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Damien P. Donaghy P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Douglas P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Drew P’20,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Denis A. Dufresne P’16,’19,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Q. English P’19,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Miles F. Farrel P’20,’22,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Farrell P’21 Mr. & Mrs. George I. Febles P’15,’22 Mr. Ivan A. Figueredo ‘94 P’22 Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Finewood P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Finnerty P’20 Ms. Susan Fiore P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David L. Fitzgerald ‘87 P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Francis K. FitzPatrick P’18,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Fleming P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Flynn P’16,’17,’19,’22 Ms. Desiree Francis P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Massimo Fratarcangeli P’16,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Galasso P’21 Drs. Giuseppe Galea P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Gallagher P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Gallagher P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Gallucci P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Clement Galluccio P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. George P’21 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Georges P’19,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Gies P’20,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Christian D. Gillis P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gomprecht ‘89 P’20 Mrs. Norma I. Gonzalez P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gonzalo P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gordon P’15,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. Greco P’20,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Griffin ‘83 P’22,’23 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Griffin P’17,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Griffiths P’22 Dr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Grimm P’22 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Guerrero ‘91 P’23 Dr. & Mrs. Yilmaz Gunduz P’21 Mr. & Mrs. George K. Gyebi P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Tyler B. Hale P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Halvorson P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Hamilton P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Eric E. Handler P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Donovan H. Hasfal P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Lemont O. Haskins P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Bill Haugh P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. Haugh P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Healey P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Healy P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Healy ‘85 P’17,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Hefner P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Herrera P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Heuer P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Hickey P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hickey P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Chris E. Higgins P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Marcus A. Higgins P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Higgins P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Homola ‘92 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Hooper P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Huacuz P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Hughes P’21 Mr. & Mrs. George Hunt P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Hunter P’21,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Introzzi P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Iori P’15,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Ryan S. Jennings ‘93 P’23 Mr. & Mrs. John & Denise Jordaens P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Joyce P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas C. Katsoris ‘84 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. William T. Keane ‘86 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Alaa Khamo P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Denis Kiely P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Karl P. Kilb P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kimble P’21 Mr. & Mrs. James Kirby P’22,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kobeck P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew O. Korb P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Kortye P’21,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kravatz P’23 Mr. & Mrs. David Kulowiec P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kunkel P’22 Mr. & Mrs. George Kyprianides P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent La Vecchia P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Francis LaSalla P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Latessa P’14,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Latkowski ‘84 P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Leach P’18,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm D. Lee P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lefever P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Legasa P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Leigh P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leonard P’21,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Loffredo P’18,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Long P’20 Dr. & Mrs. Gustavo C. Lopez P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Pavel Lopez P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Loughney P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Fatmir Lumaj P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Lynch P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Machado P’22 Mrs. Stephanie MacKendree P’22 Ms. Alece Maddalone P’18,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Maghak ‘83 P’16,’18,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Maginn P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mallinson ‘85,P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Craig Malloy P’18,’20,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Maloney ‘85 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Marciano P’18,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Marcotullio P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mariani P’19,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Marino P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Marment P’16,’18,’21 Mr. & Mrs. David H. Marshall ‘87 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Dario A. Martinez ‘87 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Martinez P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marzella P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Mascia ‘84 P’14,’17,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. McAllister P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McConnell P’14,’21 Mr. & Mrs. William McCormack P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. McCrory P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCuin P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. McDermott P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McFarland P’22 RAMVIEW Mr. & Mrs. James R. McGaughan P’19,’23 Mr. & Mrs. James P. McHale P’14,’18,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. McHale P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McKenna P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Alan McKenzie P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. McKenzie- Hamilton P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Steve M. McKiernan P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McLaughlin P’18,P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. McLaughlin P’19,’20 Mr. & Mrs. William P. McLoughlin ‘87 P’15,’20 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Mehler P’19,’21 Mr. Wilmer R. Mejia P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Melendez P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Meyer P’22 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Miller P’21,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Minnick P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Mirabile P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Monaco P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Benito Moneta P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Moran P’17,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morris P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Morris P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Mulligan P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. Murphy P’20 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Murphy P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mary M. Murphy P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Murphy P’20 Mr. & Dr. James E. Murray ‘85 P’15,’18,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Musacchia P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Anton Nicaj P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Norris P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Marco Novello P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Christian C. Nugent P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Nunez P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O’Brien P’21 Mr. & Mrs. John O’Byrne P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Connor P’18,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. O’Connor P’20,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Ivan J. O’Donnell P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Okon ‘87 P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Paul O’Neill P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Scott O’Reilly P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Shea P’18,’20,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Shea P’14,’17,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel A. Osime P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. O’Sullivan P’21,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Otero P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Pace P’16,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Pace P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Padian P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Arnaldo Passacantando Neto P’19,’23 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Pedrazzi P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Letxi Perez P’21 Drs. Francis Petit P’18,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Petrocelli ‘86 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Duane T. Pfennigwerth P’19,’23 Mr. & Mrs. John Piskora P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Clive Priddle P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Quinn P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ragde P’21 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Randell P’15,’17,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Raneri P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Juan Carlos C. Rehder P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reilly P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reisman P’19,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Reitano P’14,’17,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rice P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rice P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Eileen Ring P’18,’22 Mr. & Mrs. David Ritchie P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Robichaux P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Robinson P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rondinelli P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Russo P’18,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Ryan P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Santomero ‘87 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Donal Santry P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Brendan R. Scanlon P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Matlock Schlumberger P’21 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Scura P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Semack P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Sherman P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Shortall P’18,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Scott F. Simpson P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Jason Spillane P’22 Ms. Rita M. Stephanz P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Stewart P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Straub P’19,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Suarez P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Glen Sulam P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Sweeney P’21 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Szczepanski P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Noel Tannian P’14,’19,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Terence A. Tarateta ‘91 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Taylor P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Thompson P’11,’21 Mr. & Mrs. Rhett D. Thurman P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Tinson P’20 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Tobin P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Tomei P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Randy Torres P’19,’20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tortorello P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Erik Tozzi P’18,’21 Ms. Thao Tran P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Trennert P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Tresgallo P’20,’22 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Treusdell P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Trickett P’22 Ms. Susan M. Trout P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Tuch P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Tully ‘93 P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Ughetta P’22 Dr. & Mrs. John Uglum P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Valdes P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Van Hoek P’14,’16,’19,’23 Ms. Kerri Vanadia P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Van Velle P’09,’12,’15,’20 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Verlezza ‘94 P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Vianna P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mario Virtudes P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John Viscovich P’21 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Voli ‘84 P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Vujtech P’20,’21 Ms. Maria I. Wager P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Walpole P’20, ‘22 Dr. & Mrs. Mark R. Weigle P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Winiarski P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wolf P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Wong P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Fabio Zanetti P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zanolla P’20 FALL 2019 Gifts made during the fiscal year, July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 31