Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview Fall 2018 | Page 16

Prep New Faculty and Staff The Prep welcomed five new faculty and staff to our community. Students will benefit greatly from their experience, talent and commitment to the mission and values of Fordham Prep. Chad Broussard (Assistant Principal), Sarah Bruni (English Department), JP Feighery ’03 (Alumni Engagement Officer), Ashley Staring (Social Studies), Michael Balestra ’94 (Communications Manager), Analisa Blanco (Science Department), Dr. Petriello ’98 (Principal), Dennis Ahern ’63 (Assistant Principal) 2019 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist at Fordham Prep Fordham Prep is proud to announce that Lucas Chu ’19 has been recognized as a semifinalist in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Semifinalists have the opportunity to win one of the 7,500 National Merit Scholarships next spring. Over 1.6 million juniors entered the competition; successful semifinalists represent less than 1% of US high school seniors. To become a finalist, a semifinalist’s school must submit a detailed scholarship application, including information about his academic record, participation in school and community activities, leadership abilities, employment, and honors and awards received. The Semifinalist must be recommended by his school, write an essay and earn SAT scores that confirm his performance on the qualifying test. National Merit Scholarship winners will be announced from April through July. 16 | RA MVIE W