Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview FALL 2017 | Page 43
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Martino P '12, '19
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Marx P '18, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Mathison P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matranga P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McAllister P '19
Mr. & Mrs. John P. McCarthy P '17, '19
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McCormick P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. McCusker P '12, '18, '19
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. McDermott P '20
Mr. & Mrs. John McDermott P '20
Mr. & Mrs. James B. McEvoy P '19
Mr. & Mrs. James P. McHale Jr. P '14, '18, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. McHale P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Sean McHugh P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. McKenzie-Hamilton P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McLaughlin P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. McLaughlin P '19, '20
Mrs. Eileen McStay P '15, '18, '19
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Mehler P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Menta P '19
Mr. & Mrs. William Milaccio P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Dickerson Miles P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moderelli P '18, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Molloy P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Monaco P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Mooney P '15, '19
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Moran P '17, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Morrissey P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Mosher P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Mullin P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds M. Murphy P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. Murphy P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O'Connor P '18, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Olejarczyk P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O'Rourke Jr. P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Sean O'Shea Jr. P '14, '17, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O'Shea P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Otero P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Owen Jr. P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Pace P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Padian P '20
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Padilla P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Pagliarulo P '18
Mr. Vincent C. Palermo P '14, '19
Mr. & Mrs. Chan-Kwon Park P '19
Mrs. Shawn Parker P '08, '18
Mr. & Mrs. Arnaldo Passacantando Neto P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Bardhok Peraj P '18
Dr. Joyce Pere P '16, '19
Mr. & Mrs. James Perrotta P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters P '18
Mr. & Mrs. John Petrozzi Jr. P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pettus P '17, '19
Mr. & Mrs. James Pharo P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Picone P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Pinter P '19
Mr. & Mrs. John Piskora P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Plantemoli P '20
Mr. Vito Quivelli P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Reilly P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reisman P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Riccio P '14, '16, '18
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ring P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Ringelstein P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Miles Robert P '18
Mrs. Mary Robichaux P '21
Mr. & Mrs. George Robinson P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Rosato P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan P '20
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Savage P '12, '18
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan R. Scanlon P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Schnier P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Segnini P '19
Mrs. Mary Semack P '21
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Shortall P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sibley P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silvestri P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Simmons P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sisk P '19, 19
Mrs. Michael Smith P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Smith P '20
Ms. Julissa Soriano P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Speres P '17, '19
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Stella P '19
Ms. Rita M. Stephanz P '20
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Stone P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Straub P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sullivan P '14, '18
Ms. Jennifer Sundt P '18
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Szczepanski P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Tannian P '14, '19
Mr. & Mrs. Rhett D. Thurman P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Thwaites P '13, '19, '20
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Tinson P '20
Mr. & Mrs. John Tobin P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Tomei P '20
Mr. & Mrs. John Tomsen P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Torres P '19, '20
Mr. & Mrs. James Townsend P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Tozzi P '18
Ms. Thao Tran P '20
Mr. Mark Tremblay P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Trennert P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Triscari P '18
Mrs. Robin Tuch P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Girard Tunney P '16, '18
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Tym P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Uddoh P '18
Dr. & Mrs. John Uglum P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Valdes P '20
Mr. & Mrs. John Valecce P '18
Mr. Joseph Valente P '21
Mr. & Mrs. Diego F. Vidal P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffren A. Villarba P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Vujtech P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wacyk P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Walsh Jr. P '16, '18
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Walsh P '17, '20
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Walsh P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ward P '19
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Wetty P '19
Mrs. Bevolyn Williams-Harold P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Winiarski P '20
Mr. & Mrs. John Woodruff P '18
Ms. Leigh C. Young P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zanolla P '20
Mr. & Mrs. Omar Zeolla P '18
Mr. & Mrs. Marc L. Zupicich P '19
Top 10 Classes
by Participation
Class of 1964 - 61.9%
Class of 1952 - 50.0%
Class of 1959 - 42.1%
Class of 1949 - 34.5%
Class of 1958 - 34.0%
Class of 1957 - 33.9%
Class of 1961 - 32.3%
Class of 1948 - 28.9%
Class of 1956 - 27.5%
Class of 2017 - 27.1%
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