Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview FALL 2017 | Page 25
Campus Enhancements
Parents and students are more discerning today when they
consider options for secondary schools, especially in judging the
quality of campus facilities and amenities.
During the 2014-15 school year, the Board approved a long-term
Campus Enhancement Plan. The Plan details several projects
which are central to the vision of the Prep’s Igniting Our Mission
Campaign. Thanks to generous donor support, we have invested
over $4 million in the Rowen Athletic Field, the Commons
renovation, and the new entranceway and lobby as part of our
Campus Enhancement Plan.
The East Wing Project
The renovation and reconfiguration of existing spaces and
expansion of the building are necessary because the current
configuration of the east wing is inefficient with small, poorly
arranged classrooms, substandard departmental offices and
narrow corridors. Many classrooms included portable walls
which are not soundproof and tile ceilings which have exceeded
their useful life. Lighting and energy technology are also
outdated and inefficient. The administrative area on the first
floor consists of a series of enclosed shared offices which
discourage collegiality and interaction.
Two primary and significant changes will facilitate improvements
to the east wing:
1) Closing an elevator which allows for the relocation of a
2) Expanding the building envelope by ten feet.
In total, East Wing Project improvements include:
• New chapel
• 9 new classrooms to replace the existing 8
• New ceilings, walls, LED lighting, and upgraded technology
in all classrooms
• Counseling suite with 9 offices
• Improved group work area
• Relocated and expanded Religious Studies Department office
• Relocated and expanded Social Studies Department office
• Expanded nurse’s office
• Relocated and expanded IT office and storage
• Elimination of portable walls
• Renovated administration offices
• New Admissions suite
• Improved energy usage through substantial roof and wall
insulation, double glazed windows and solar shading
Together, these changes permit us to build larger and more
efficient classrooms, much-improved faculty offices and an open
office approach to the administrative area which will greatly
improve the efficiency. Corridor relocation will allow the
consolidation of all counseling services and the college room on
the third floor in a counseling center. These changes will allow us
to relocate and expand the Admissions Office, expand the
nurse’s office and add a new classroom. The library mezzanine
will include a new chapel, Religious Studies Department office, a
group work area, and IT office and storage.
The Prep seeks to make the building more accommodating for a
student enrollment of 960-1,000 students. The addition of the
Boller Science Center (our fourth floor) and the new
entranceway and lobby created new learning and social spaces.
The East Wing Project will advances this vision and goal.
Annual Support
Unrestricted annual gifts enhance a student’s day-to-day life at
the Prep by allowing income to be applied wherever it is most
needed, from scholarships to curricular endeavors to athletics,
co-curricular activities, service and technology.
The Annual Fund consistently provides 10 percent of the school’s
annual operating budget. As the Igniting Our Mission Campaign
progresses, we look to increase our base of unrestricted annual
giving to meet ongoing operating costs in current and new
facilities, and to hold the line against tuition increases.
Building a Lasting Legacy
All gifts will be counted in the Campaign and can be made as an
outright gift or a planned gift. Bequests from your will or trust
will not affect your cash flow during your lifetime, but will
perpetuate your legacy of generosity to Fordham Prep and a
la sting future for the Prep community.
Campaign Progress
Raised to date: $37 million
Endowment: $16.5 million
Capital Enhancements: $6.8 million
Annual Support (Current Use): $13.6 million
Learn more about the "Igniting Our Mission" Capital Campaign
by visiting
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