Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview FALL 2017 | Page 23
STRATEGIC PLAN | 2017 2022
Fostering a Catholic Ignatian Community
e Catholic faith, the Jesuit roots, the Ignatian charism and the place of
Fordham Prep in the work of the Society of Jesus give our school its history,
its values and its mission. It is vital that we ensure our Catholic Ignatian
identity is understood by succeeding cohorts of stakeholders and that the
mission is embraced as the blessed collaborative responsibility of all
Strategic Priorities
• Enhance our appreciation and understanding of our identity and mission through an annual
re ection on the Prep’s mission statement, goals and objectives by trustees, faculty, and sta ,
parents, students and alumni.
• Expand programs to form faculty and sta (including coaches and moderators who are not
full-time employees) in the Catholic Ignatian mission and identity of Fordham Prep.
• Ensure the vibrancy of the Catholic sacramental life of the Prep.
• Expand opportunities for trustees, parents and alumni to engage Fordham Prep’s mission
of faith and service, especially opportunities to experience Ignatian spirituality.
• In collaboration with the Jesuit Schools Network (JSN) and the Provincial Assistant for
Secondary Education (PASE), continue to identify and develop Ignatian lay leaders from
within the Prep.
• Develop an Alumni Service Corps to allow alumni to serve as teachers, coaches and
moderators on a short term basis.
• Develop a system to annually review faith and service programs for students and adults to
ensure that they are adequately supported, mission-driven and transformational.
Organizational E ectiveness
Organizational e ectiveness ensures that institutional systems and structures are in place to support the
mission of Fordham Prep and to promote e ective communication and collaboration among administra-
tion, faculty, sta , trustees, parents and other stakeholders.
Strategic Priorities
• Develop strategies for continuing to attract and retain a committed and highly quali ed
faculty and sta .
• Develop strategies to recruit an ethnically diverse faculty that more closely re ects the
diversity of the student body.
• Improve processes to ensure timely and transparent communication among faculty, sta ,
trustees and administrators.
• Enhance communication regarding responsibilities of non-teaching sta , administrators,
and program directors.
• Evaluate the organizational and support process for extracurricular programs and ensure
their alignment with the school’s mission and philosophy.
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