Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview FALL 2017 | Page 14

Strategic Plan

Q & A with Mr . Carney
What was the genesis for the Strategic Plan ? What prompted Fordham Prep to undertake a strategic planning process ? At the start of his tenure as President of Fordham Prep , Fr . Devron recognized the need to engage the Prep community in a collaborative process that would help guide the school in the coming years . His predecessor , Fr . Boller , engaged the community in a similar process 10 years earlier when he assumed the role of President . The results of that earlier process helped chart a path that led to the construction of a new science center and the introduction of the 1 to 1 computer program , as well as many other initiatives that helped the school to grow . Strategic planning is essential if institutions are going to advance and strengthen their mission for the future . As we looked back over the past 175 years this year , our strategic plan will help us look forward to the next 175 .
When was the planning process initiated and how was it implemented ? Our strategic planning process began at the Board level during the 2014-15 academic year . Discussions at board meetings led to a comprehensive plan to engage all stakeholders in this planning process . During 2015-16 , Bill Meehan , Prep Class of 1970 , presented to the faculty and staff an overview of how best to approach strategic planning and Fr . Devron shared a
Statement of Issues document with the faculty and staff to help discern what issues are most critical for Fordham Prep at this stage in our history . At the beginning of the 2016-17 school year , parents , faculty , staff , administrators and trustees completed a survey to help assess the school ’ s strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats . A drafting committee , comprised of faculty and trustees , organized and prioritized feedback from the survey , the Statement of Issues document , and meetings with various constituencies , and began the first draft of a strategic plan . Faculty , staff and trustees met throughout the process to review each draft of the plan . In addition , faculty , staff and trustees have also developed a set of strategic actions for each priority and a timeline for implementation . The plan was approved unanimously at the June 2017 Board meeting .
Who was involved in the process ? Was there a committee of stakeholders involved ? The drafting committee for the plan included trustees : Patricia Fink P ’ 08 ,’ 10 , ’ 13 , Maurice Hyacinthe ’ 77 and John Freeman ’ 80 , along with faculty members Paul Homer , Dr . Patricia Lee , and Nelson Ritter ’ 96 . Several faculty meetings were held to give the faculty and staff ample opportunity to discuss the plan . Each committee of the Board of Trustees reviewed the plan at several meetings . A small group of parents also was assembled in the spring to review the plan .
What is the major focus of the Strategic Plan and how will it be implemented ? Our strategic plan focuses on six key areas that are critical for strengthening and ensuring our mission for the next five years . In each area , we have developed several priorities for the next five years . For each priority we have identified a set of strategic actions and a timeline for their implementation . Departments and individuals
responsible for each priority will review progress on the strategic actions on a quarterly basis and will contribute to an annual progress report that Fr . Devron will share with faculty , staff , parents and alumni .
What sort of changes can students , faculty , staff , alumni , parents and friends of the school expect to see as a result of the strategic plan ? In the sense that the plan is ultimately about strengthening our mission , we can all be sure that the core mission of Fordham Prep , to educate young people to be men of faith , scholarship and service , certainly will not change . We hope people will see a new vibrancy to this mission , responsive to the changing needs of our students . The changes in our physical plant are already apparent with a new chapel and group study space completed this past summer along with renovations to three classrooms and two locker rooms . The ongoing renovations of the physical plant will help to improve the learning environment at Fordham Prep as will the priorities related to academic excellence . In five years , we hope people see a curriculum even more deeply aligned with our mission , which aims to promote Ignatian values that form men of competence , conscience and compassion . A focus on greater global competency and skills for the 21st century will allow us to better prepare students for a world that is more technological and interconnected than at any time in history . Through the generosity of our benefactors , we hope to have new funding sources that will support and expand faculty professional development opportunities , our Global Education and Christian Service Immersion programs , and services for students from low income families . Finally , as a result of our work I think people will see a faculty , staff , students , parents and alumni who are even more deeply committed to our identity as a Catholic Ignatian school .