Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Fall 2021 Vol 42 Issue 1 | Page 26


Living Out Our Mission :

Fordham Prep ’ s Approach to Diversity , Equity and Inclusion ( D . E . I .)

In the summer of 2020 , Fordham Prep ’ s administration engaged in conversations with a group of recent alumni , current and past parents , and faculty regarding their experience of belonging and sense of community based on differences of race and identity . These conversations affirmed that most students feel respected and cared for during their Prep experience but also revealed areas where our community needs more growth .
Following these conversations , the administration developed a new Action Plan reminding us that this important work is grounded in our mission :
Diversity , equity , and inclusion are core values embedded within Fordham Prep ’ s Catholic Jesuit mission and tradition . These values flow from our faith in God , in whose own image and likeness each person is created and imbued with dignity .
In order to explore necessary next steps to implement the Action Plan , the Prep formed a Task Force composed of trustees , faculty and administrators which met during the 2020-21 academic year . The Task Force studied our current efforts and programs in this area along with best practices at other Jesuit , private and public schools . It also sponsored focus group conversations with three distinct and diverse groups : current parents ; current students ; and young alumni . An outside consultant conducted the parent and young alumni conversations . In addition , the Task Force studied academic performance and analyzed overall student engagement in formation and extracurricular programs .
This careful and prayerful study and discernment resulted in several new strategic goals to enhance the Prep ’ s efforts to foster a greater sense of dignity , belonging and justice for all members of the community and to strengthen our mission effectiveness in these areas . These strategic goals-- all based on Catholic Social Teaching-- focus on the areas of curriculum and pedagogy , professional development and hiring , student equity and inclusion , diversity training , and institutional policies and assessment . The plan was presented to the Prep ’ s Board of Trustees in March 2021 and unanimously approved .