Tallon , a U . S . Marine and New York City firefighter , was deeply connected to his Irish heritage and the Prep community . As a part of this initiative , the Tallon family has pledged their support , including both a contribution to the fund and the donation of Sean ’ s artifacts , which will be showcased in the upcoming “ Sean ’ s Locker ” exhibit in Rowen Lobby , set to open in the spring of 2024 .
“ Sean was a hero . He was also a great proponent of Irish American culture , he loved the Prep , and he loved the Irish- American experience . He was involved with so much of the Irish and Irish American culture ,” said school archivist and Irish Club moderator Louis DiGiorno ’ 88 ’ P26 .
The Tallon Fund , spearheaded by former Irish Club moderator Ryan
Fedak ’ 09 and DiGiorno , came about while planning last school year ’ s Irish Heritage Month activities for the club . The fund honors Sean Tallon ’ s sacrifice and ensures his memory at the Prep for years to come . Funds raised will both support a rising senior who is active in the Prep ’ s Irish Club and subsidize club activities , allowing students to experience Irish and Irish-Catholic culture . |
The impact of this scholarship on Fordham Prep students extends beyond financial assistance . It fosters a sense of pride and awareness of their Irish heritage . |
“ The Irish Club provides something that ensures students are aware and can be proud of this venerable heritage which has had such a great impact on our country , on the New York area in particular , but also in the history of our school ,” DiGiorno said , |
noting that Fordham ’ s founder , Archbishop John Huges , was an Irish immigrant .
As preparations for the “ Sean ’ s Locker ” exhibit continue , DiGiorno emphasizes its significance as a permanent reminder of what it truly means to be a man for others .
“ It will be a reminder of what it really means to be a man for others to the boys in an extraordinary way ,” said DiGiorno , who is working to finalize the exhibit . “ His family members are extraordinarily grateful and happy that Sean ’ s memory is going to continue to live on in a place that meant so much to him ,” he added .
To donate to the Sean Tallon ’ 92 Fund , please visit www . fordhamprep . org / giving / tallon .
TOP LEFT : Items donated by Sean Tallon ’ s family for the “ Sean ’ s Locker ” exhibit .
TOP RIGHT : Eileen Tallon P ’ 92 GP ’ 22 , Ryan Fedak ’ 09 , Rosaleen DaRos ( née Tallon ) P ’ 22 , and Louis DiGiorno ’ 88 P ’ 26 at 12 Cox Street in Yonkers , New York , the residence at which the meeting to establish the Tallon Fund took place . It was the location of Sean Tallon ’ s departure on the morning of September 11 , 2001 , to which he would sadly never return .
BOTTOM LEFT : Dean Connor Brown ’ 09 leads bagpipe lessons with members of the Irish Club .
BOTTOM RIGHT : In honor of Our Lady ( and their cultural heritage ), the Irish Club created “ Penal Rosaries ” and distributed their handiwork for a prayer service held in the Peter Arabia ’ 76 Prayer Garden this past fall .