Fordham Prep - Ramview Winter 2022/Spring 2023 Vol 43 Issue 1 | Page 9


Here ’ s what Gomprecht does remember : The sticker was originally part of a poster that he came across sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s while visiting an employee of a marketing company that was working with the Bronx borough president at the time .

Intrigued by the poster , which at first only had the words “ You ’ re always from the Bronx ” written on it in all caps , Gomprecht asked for permission to use it for Fordham Prep . The marketing company was happy to oblige , turning it into a bumper sticker adding “ Fordham Prep ” in all caps along the bottom as well as the school ’ s seal on the left side .
“ They were given to students who received an honors card after an academic quarter ,” Gomprecht recalls . Interim President Brian Carney noted that he would use the stickers to mark the pole vault poles used during track practice .
Gomprecht does not remember how many cars he saw sporting the bumper stickers , though . “ It was another century ,” he laughed .
When asked if Fordham Prep would be the educational institution it is if it were not situated in the Bronx , Gomprecht noted that the school was once offered to relocate to Westchester .
When Fordham University decided to shut down its campus in Tarrytown , NY ( Marymount College of Fordham University ), they asked if the Prep wanted to trade its space at Rose Hill for it . This would give the Prep a larger space and the chance to consider offering a boarding option for students .
ABOVE LEFT : Gomprecht senior yearbook photo .
ABOVE RIGHT : The 2009 yearbook was dedicated to Gomprecht and included an image of a bulletin board featuring one of the bumper stickers he commissioned amongst the other items and photos of the former Prep principal .
However , the Prep reportedly did not entertain this idea . Rev . Kenneth Boller , SJ , former Fordham Prep president and former member of the Fordham University Board of Trustees , stated that “( Fordham Prep ’ s ) ‘ mission ’ was to stay in the Bronx .” Boller , a member of the 2022 Hall of Honor induction class , mentioned in a report that the conversation about moving never went anywhere .
There is no question that certain aspects of the Fordham Prep experience would be missing if the school was not located in the Bronx . The school ’ s rich history would only be seen through photographs , students taking courses at the university would need to take two trains to get to class , and where would we find another harmonica player like our friend at Pugsley ’ s Pizza ?
Interested in acquiring one of the famous “ You ’ re always from the Bronx ” bumper stickers ?
Visit the Prep Shoppe at Rose Hill or order one online at bit . ly / yourealwaysfromthebronx .