Fordham Prep - Ramview Winter 2021/Spring 2022 Vol 42 Issue 2 | Page 30

Erich Hoffmann was promoted to President of George Hoffmann & Sons ( est . 1907 ) and VP of Hoffmann Investors Corporation .


Micheal McEvoy welcomed a baby girl , Charlotte Elizabeth McEvoy , on September 17 , 2021 .
Joseph Lanza is pleased to announce the newest member of the Lanza household : Madeline Christine , born on May 21 , 2021 .


Guillaume Chazenfus got married on October 9th , 2021 , and is graduating with his master ’ s degree in Nursing Leadership and Administration this winter .


Michael Wrotniak and his wife , Jackie , recently welcomed their first child , Evelyn Perry , into the world .
On October 30 , 2021 , Juan Carlos Martinez , Jr . married Erica Bucki .


Tommy Petriccione married Deirdre Dolan on July 31 , 2021 .
Tyler Olson married McKenna Plec-Cook on Sept 25 , 2021 .
Paul Lisy ran the Chicago Marathon on October 10 , 2021 .
John Murtagh and his wife , Amy , welcomed their daughter , Emily , on August 14 , 2021 .
Phil Fico recently published the first novel in a series that he is writing . Primordial Resurgence : Origins . Tells the story of a veterinarian working at a zoo which contains a myriad of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals , how veterinary care would look for these creatures , the surprises that pop up along the way .


Jay Crotty and his wife , Kayla , welcomed a son , Calum , on November 16 , 2021 .
Patrick Prager recently welcomed a son , John Burton .
Dr . Julian C . Lildharrie was featured in a recent Bronx Times article titled “ Doctor works abroad and returns to his roots .”


Patrick Schramm started his new job as Brand Partnerships Manager at TikTok where he is working to expand the platform to the health and pharmaceutical vertical .


Nicholas Foster was promoted to Head of Sales at Playbill in December 2021 . He also welcomed his first child , Nolan Edward , on July 11 , 2021 .
Congratulations to Hannah and faculty member Kenneth Tejeda ’ 07 on the birth of their baby girl ! Lyra Dorothy Tejeda was born on Sunday , September 12 . Mom , Dad , big brother Kylo , and baby Lyra are all doing well . God bless !


Jack Hough and his wife welcomed their daughter , Charlotte Elizabeth , on August 26 , 2021 .
Brian Jost and his wife , Megan Johnson , were married across the street at the Fordham University Church on November 13 , 2021 . Several other Prep grads were in attendance , including Brian ’ s brother and best man , Michael ’ 17 , and Megan ’ s brother , Chris ’ 08 .