Fordham Prep - Ramview Summer 2023 Vol 43 Issue 2 | Page 4

There is one word that will immediately come to mind when future generations look back on the class of 2023 : resilience .”
— Student-selected speaker Onyinye Okonkwo ’ 23 ( right ) shared his reflections on behalf of the class of 2023 .


His Eminence , Timothy Cardinal Dolan , at the Prep ’ s 178th Commencement Exercises .

M embers of the class of 2023 , their families , faculty , staff , and trustees gathered at St . Patrick ’ s Cathedral , just above the burial crypt of Fordham Prep ’ s founder , Archbishop John Hughes , on May 31st for the Prep ’ s 178th Commencement Exercises .

The afternoon began as Principal Joseph Petriello , PhD ’ 98 introduced His Eminence , Timothy Cardinal Dolan , who gave a brief word before the formal opening of the ceremony .
“ I just stopped by — easy since I live next door — to welcome you to our beloved St . Patrick ’ s Cathedral ,” he began , “ and publicly to thank Almighty God for the gift that Fordham Prep is to all of us .” Cardinal Dolan went on to offer his congratulations to the graduating class and their families .
After the singing of the national anthem and an invocation of the Holy Spirit by Prep Chaplain Jim Coughlin , SJ , it was time to hear reflections from the class of 2023 . Harvard-bound Onyinyechukwu ” Onyinye ” Okonkwo ’ 23 was selected by his classmates for the task .
“ There is one word that will immediately come to mind when future generations look back on the class of 2023 : resilience [ defined as ] ‘ the capacity to withstand and to recover quickly from difficulties , toughness ,’” Okonkwo stated . He recounted the abrupt closure of the class of 2023 ’ s freshman experience when the pandemic shut everything down . Transitioning to a hybrid model in 10th grade and having to adapt to new schedule matrices each school year were just a few of the factors that contributed to the class of 2023 ’ s resilience . “ We did not let the setbacks and uncertainties stop us from having an amazing four years ,” he noted .
Okonkwo explained that community and brotherhood were the hallmarks of what made the class of 2023 ’ s Prep experience a great one . He remembered picking up where they left off in junior year seemingly easily , as the class returned to in-person learning and events such as the basketball championship game and performances by the Dramatic Society . While he admits it seemed daunting at first , completing his senior Christian Service requirement became one of his favorite parts of senior year .