Today the surgical trend is minimal invasivity and
the soft and hard tissue in all the cases in the level of their knowledge and their expertise on intheir private practice in a predictable way novations.
in order to get optimal and stable esthetic
FCDM – How crucial is for the dental practice the use
of magnification?
FCDM - How do you see Europe concerning the scientific development in compa- FA – Today the surgical trend is minimal invasivity
and micro-surgery. This requires special instruments
rison with the United States?
and magnification in order to apply the most innovaFA – I travel quite often world-wide to tive techniques.
give lectures and I realize that the level of
implant dentistry in Europe is at the cut- FCDM – How complex and detailed is becoming denting-edge reguarding esthetic and new te- tal surgery?
chnologies and more and more European
speakers are invited to lecture in the most FA – I don’t think that is becoming complex, actually
important meetings around the world for we are shifting toward simplified techniques that can
My advice is not to jump immediately in the world of implant
dentistry because it can badly burn back;„
be easily applied in anybody’s hands. There
is a tendency to spread implant dentistry
to the general dentists as well as the specialists.
But there is definitely much more attention
to details in terms of achieving optimal
esthetics and minimize patient discomfort
and shorten the treatment time.
FCDM - Do you have any advice for those
who are about to start in the implantology
FA – My advice is not to jump immediately
in the world of implant dentistry because it
can badly burn back; but to prepare them-
selves with high level training following FCDM - How different is implantology regarding to the
lectures and hands-on courses in order to various countries you have visited?
achieve a complete formation on the field.
FA - Globalization today applies to science as well
FCDM - What challenges will the younger any other topics, but there are still countries that follow a more conservative approach or prefer specific
colleagues face?
clinical protocols.
FA – Too often the market pushes toward
fast and apparently easy treatment, This That is why exchanging informations with internatiocan foul the practitioners that are starting nal meetings and courses are so important to attend
their carreer. It is fundamental to unders- in order to expand our own view in the field of imtand that there is a learning curve that ta- plant dentistry.
kes time to be completed.
The challenging cases should be handle
by expert hands otherwise failures or disaster results may happen.