For the Many Group Magazine. | Page 5

lost its empire, has sold off all its utilities to non UK interests, lost its engineering expertise, and finds itself as basically a Banana Republic that will be lucky to survive outside the EU. The Brexit supporters say that we can export to Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, forgetting to tell you that those three countries combined have only the same population of Italy. The UK hasn't negotiated a trade deal of any significance since 1972. All of the people that were involved are now dead or retired. Moreover, the EU have to guarantee that the UK will be worse off in order to stop other countries from attempting to leave. Three of my heroes Dennis Skinner, and the late Bob Crow and Tony Benn supported leaving the EU. However, because of the points I've made I'm of the opinion that in 2017 it would be better to stay. It's odds on that we will find ourselves worse off by leaving. People are already suffering hardships unknown in two generations. The EU has enacted Social Legislation covering minimum trade union rights, holiday entitlements, maternity/paternity pay and times off, and other progressive policies that the Tories want to get rid of once we leave. I believe that there should be another referendum on whether to accept the Government's deal. A Corbyn-led socialist government within the EU could be the catalyst to unite all the austerity hit millions within its borders to demand a change from a big corporations’ EU to a people friendly alternative. These are just my thoughts on the situation at the moment. However, with a worldwide Bond Market bubble, a Housing bubble, a Stock Market bubble, a looming private pension crisis, and even the possibility of a Third World War, Brexit negotiations may turn out to be unimportant in the grand scheme of things. -5-