For the Many Group Magazine. | Page 15

The rest of the 19th century was spent in drawing the debt down, to a low of 25 percent of GDP in 1914. That was just before the outbreak of the Great War in Europe. The National Debt reached almost 85 percent of GDP in the aftermath of the crisis, and is forecast to drift higher to 88.5 percent of GDP by 2020. Interesting ... Debt since 1900 The real risk from government debt is the In the 20th century the UK government has burden of interest payments. Experts say increased the National Debt to fight wars that when interest payments reach about and to mitigate economic troubles. 12% of GDP then a government will likely default on its debt. Chart 5 shows that the UK is a long way from that risk. The peak period for government interest payments, including central government and local authorities, was in the 1920s and 1930s right after World War I. The UK Government debt total is now... 8th January 2018 – £1.8 trillion approx Chart 4.03: National Debt 1900-2020 At the beginning of the 20th century in 1900 the National Debt stood at a very manageable 30 percent of GDP and dipped to 25 percent of GDP by 1914 despite the intervening Boer War. But the Great War, World War I, caused an explosion in the National Debt up to 135 percent of