Mercury, ruler of Virgo’s house of relationships, favors travel in two,
discussions, and written exchanges until November 20. Venus, ruler of
Virgo’s house of money, is in conjunction with Mars, planet of initiative and
action, for most of November. Also, Mars rules the other financial house of
Virgo. There’s an array of signs pointing toward Virgoans’ vivid interest in
business, increasing income, diverse transactions, investments, and so on.
Venus, planet of love, and Mars, ruler of Libra’s house of relationships, are
both in Libra’s 12th house. It’s a house that limits freedom of choice and
action and that could bring murky situations, confusion or bad luck. Luck
starts favoring Librans beginning November 8 2016, when Venus enters
Libra. And from November 12, when Mars enters the same sign, Librans’
love life becomes very active. At work, this will be a month full of energy.
Scorpio’s ruler is accompanied by Venus, planet of love and harmony, and
by Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, in a house that has to do with socializing,
friendship, plans for the future, and luck. Your professional skills are
emphasized and, one way or another, your leader or organizer skills are
used. You’re very driven, attract opportunities, and you can mobilize
others to reach objectives.
Professional opportunity is by Sagittarians’ side during November 2016.
Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, full of impetus and great plans, livens up
Sagittarius’ house of career for a long while from now on. You can attain
success, achievements, and money, but in order to enjoy luck you have to
work hard. Venus and Mars’ transits herald fun and delight during the last
two weeks of the month.
With Venus, planet of love and ruler of Capricorn’s house of eroticism, in
Capricorn’s 9th house, connections based on cultural or spiritual communion and those opening up your horizons are favored until November
8 2016. On top of that, beginning November 8, Venus is in Capricorn’s
house of career, in a position that offers power and independence.
In November 2016 the strings of your relationship are woven together
with those of your career. This seems to benefit you including financially,
because the Sun and Mercury form a harmonious aspect with Neptune
and Jupiter, both in Aquarius’ houses of money. Travel and long
distances have an important role in Aquarius’ relationships throughout
November 2016.
For Pisceans, excellent time for love, but also for joint initiatives and
actions! Mars and Venus go through a discreet sector of your chart,
better suited for subtleties and complex analysis than euphoric displays.
November 2016 is excellent for studies, research, and pursuits related to
the higher education, cultural, editorial, and even legislative environment.