For Any Woman © - No 1 July/August, 2013 | Page 9

Why didyou

thatmysondidn ’ tgetaltheatentionheneeded , butItrytomakeupforit now .
Iwassobusy-IfIwasn ’ tatuniversity , Iwasatwork , andifIwasn ’ tatworkI wasathomedoingmyhomeworkandpreparingforoncomingtests . Ifeltexhausted , butsomethinginsidemekeptmegoing . Ofcourse , Icouldn ’ thave doneitwithoutthemoralsupportofmyhusband . Mygraduationdaywas oneofthehappiestdaysinmylife .
How didyoustartyourcareerin thefieldofpesticides ?
WhileIwasstudyingItriedtofindajobwithintheareaofchemistry . Iapplied foreveryjuniorpositionIcouldfindontheInternetandsucceeded . Ihave beenachemistryteacherinhighschool , aqualitycontroloficerinahightechantireflectiveglasfactory , andajuniorengineerattheInstituteofSolid StatePhysics .
Atthesametime , Ikeptworkinginpubs , didsomecleaning-anythingthat helpedtosupportmyfamily . AlmosttwomonthsaftergraduationIgotajob withtheLatviangovernmentasascientificoficerresponsibleforpesticide residues . Ilearned veryquicklyand soonIwastraveling around Europe , whereIwas

Youwilbewritingtousaboutcareers , is thisthewayyouaretryingtorelaxand enjoylife ? choose chemistry ?

Iam planning to write anarticle for « ForAnyWoman », discusinghow importantistochoosetherightcourse foryou . Thisisn ’ tsimple , andalotof considerations should be made before choosing . Isingled outthree posibilities : literature , medicine and chemistry .
Literature was crosed of my list almostinstantly , becauseIdidn ’ tthink Iwastalented enough to make a livingoutofit , andevenifwas , thenI could do itwithouta university diploma . Medicine could have been the corectchoice forme , ifIwas singlegirlwithoutachild . Thelengthof studybeforeobtainingthefirstdegree wasjusttoolong ( 6years ); thereforeI wentforthelastoption .
Youentered universitywhen yoursonwasjust9 monthsold , how did youmanageitwith childcareandful timestudies ?
Ihavetothankmyfamilyand friends whohelpedlookaftermychildwhileI wasworking and studying . Itwasn ’ t easy , butIhadneverbeensofocused inmylife .
Nobodyunderstood mymove . People thoughtIwascrazy . Theysaid to me , « youcan ’ tdoit , itisimposible », butinstead ofbeing scared , Iwanted to prove they were wrong . Somehow I managed to find two jobs . Istudied hard , andalmosteverysemesterIwasin the 8 top students -there were 70 peopleonmycourse . Icannotdeny . invitedasgovernmentexperttojoindiferentworkinggroupswhichdealt withpesticideresiduesandMRLseting . Afew yearslaterIwasoferedapositionwithAPC , amid-sizeprofesional consultancycompany , whichspecialisesinscientificandregulatorysupport
Asfunnyitmightsound-yes . IalwayshaveenjoyedwritingandIhopethatby foragrochemicals . IacceptedtheoferandreturnedbacktotheUK . Now I doingitIcangivesomeusefultipsonhow nottobeafraidorashamedofwhat am learningtoliveagain . MylifehasbeensointensethatoftenIneedto youaredoing . Everyjob canbea step up , whateveritisa cleanersorbank remindmyselftorelaxandtakethingseasy . manager ’ sposition !
Afteral , everysinglepositionIeverhad , hasmademewhoIam today . Backin LondonpeopleusedtogivemehardtimejustbecauseIwasdoingmyjob , butas IgotolderIrealisedthatthere ’ snosuchthingasadead-endjob – thereisonly deadendpeople ! Treatyourjobwithrespectandyouwilgetsomewhere !
Ifyouareinterestedinbloggingforusorsharingyourpositivelifestory , youhaveabusinessandyouarehappytogive awaysomepricesforourreaders , youwouldliketosupportuswithgifts , financialyoradvertiseinouronlinemagazine , orifyouareastudentandlookingforaninternship , youcancontactusatinfoatforanywoman . com