Footsteps Spring 2018 Footsteps-Spring2018 | Page 3

Boundary WALLS The Problem: Lack of Safe Spaces for Afghan Girls to Go to School Many schools in Afghanistan have no barrier between the girls who want to learn, and people who might cause them harm. The lack of safe boundary or privacy walls to separate school yards from busy streets and provide protection from dangerous people is keeping girls from school. Most primary schools in the U.S. have fences, boundaries, and check-ins set up to keep children safe. Imagine how parents feel sending their young daughters to school in Afghanistan without these precautions. “Attendance of girls is much less because the boundary wall is not available,” says Asadullah Azimi, senior education officer at Star of Knowledge (SKO), CAI’s partner in Afghanistan. “There are some schools where the girls are sitting out due to lack of boundary wall, and they are facing problems.” The Solution: Ensure Every School Has a Secure Boundary Wall You have the power to change this problem. A simple boundary wall means girls can study, learn, and play free from worry, and parents can let their girls go to school without fear that they might not return. You can help create a safe space where more girls feel welcome and safe. SKO has identified at least six more girls’ schools that urgently need boundary walls in some of the most conservative regions of Afghanistan. Boundary walls like these are in need across Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan, and building them means more girls can go to school without fear for many years to come. Your Part: If reading about the safety and security of these girls is tugging at your heartstrings, there is a way to help. You can help make sure every school has a safe and sturdy boundary wall. The average boundary wall and security gate costs close to $50,000. Here is the breakdown*: Materials like stone, concrete, and a security gate: $22,545 Labor: $12,525 Design and Operations: $15,030 * Prices vary depending on size, location, cost of local materials and labor, and transportation costs. | 3