Footprint Magazine 2 - Conservation | Page 4

Rainforest Conservation

Over the course of our history, our environment has transformed immensely. One would expect that the world that surrounds us should be stable, however over the years, people have become more and more careless causing our environment to suffer for their lack of care and responsibility.

Our environment plays a huge part in our life cycle, as well as our existence. Therefore it is of paramount importance that we obtain and protect our surroundings.

Every year 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are cut down. As well as this, 17% of the Amazon Rainforest has been cut down over the last 5 years. There are numerous reasons as to why people are cutting down trees for instance, making space for crops and plantations. It is extremely important that we maintain our trees, due to the oxygen they provide us. The excess wood is then used for housing and materials. This causes an imbalance in our world. In effect this causes a chain reaction that not only affects millions of helpless animals and destroys our environment, however it most importantly jeopardises our existence, our future and our happiness.

Rainforests globally are diminishing. They are vital, for endangered animals survival. Due to our inconsideration they are having to flee their habitats, to ones which are less suitable for them and put them in danger of animal poaching. Their bones are being used for medicine and their skins are being sold for display in houses. Soon, without help, the number of endangered species will increase immensely.

Currently one of our main environmental struggles is pollution. Therefore demolishing rainforests is contributing to pollution that is eating away at our world. Due to air pollution, caused by burning fossil fuels, it is adamant that we increase the number of trees as well stop cutting them down. They are a way to stop the problem from increasing.


Sophie-Amelie Skoczylas