Books & TED Talks
-Dead Zone - Philip Lymbery
-Rewilding the World - Caroline Fraser
-The Sixth Extinction - Elizabeth Kolbert
-How to Clone a Mammoth - Beth Shapiro
-Client Earth - James Thornton
-Natural Capital - Dieter Helm
-Dead Seas - Taras Grescoe
- Do We Need Pandas? - Ken Thompson
-Poacher Wars - Al Venter
-How to restore a Rainforest - Willie Smits (Feb 2009)
-A drone's-eye view of Conservation - Lian Pin Koh (Jun 2013)
-How poachers becames caretakers - John Kasaona (Feb 2010)
-How humans and animals can live together - Jane Goodall (Jun 2007)
-For more wonder, rewild the world - George Monbiot (Jul 2013)
-Ecology from the air - Greg Asner (Jun 2013)
-Notes from the conservation front line: Niall McCann at TEDxCardiff (2014)
-Recreation and the Future of the Conservation Movement: Brady Robinson at TEDxBoulder