Footprint Magazine 2 - Conservation | Page 21


Upcoming Events


1st - World Vegetarian Day

2nd-13th UN Desertification Summit

4th - World Animal Day


1st - World Vegan Day

2nd - Senior Societies with Dr Rory Moore

5th - World Tsunami Awareness Day


4th - World Wildlife Conservation Day

4th-6th - UN Environment Assembly

5th - World Soil Day

10th - International Day of Animal Rights

11th - International Mountain Day

14th - World Monkey Day

Dr Rory Moore

Around 90% of global fish stocks are overexploited.

Around 90% of large fish are gone.

It’s time to do something drastic.

Dr Rory Moore, the Blue Marine Foundations project manager, will discuss the urgent need for marine conservation. Research has thrown light on the present state of the world’s oceans fisheries and the global efforts to create large scale marine reserves. Action is needed now to allow fish stocks to recover and establish sustainable fisheries.

Come and find out what’s being done to combat overfishing, the destruction of biodiversity and how you can support the future of our global food security.