Footprint Magazine 2 - Conservation | Page 14

UK Agriculture vs Conservation


Agriculture and conservation tend not to be considered compatible in the public eye, due to media and other sources that tend to want to project an image of how farming is destroying the environment. However, conservation is a much larger part of agriculture and the lifestyle that goes with it, than most people first think. Organisations such as the Wildlife Trust work with farmers to help them increase biodiversity on their farms, using a variety of different methods, whilst maintaining crop yields.

One way in which this is accomplished is restoring farmland soils. Since the post-war drive to intensify farming, many farms have experienced a decrease in their soil quality, including a decrease in humus content, organic matter and soil wildlife. 75% of terrestrial wildlife live in the soil, so a thriving soil food web is vital to the recovery of the majority of farmland wildlife. Planting ‘green manure’ mixes, including red and white clovers, cocksfoot, yellow trefoil and phacaelia to ‘feed’ the soil and encourage microbial activity. These mixes also provide good forage for sheep and cattle meaning no loss in productivity. Earthworms are also introduced as they are directly linked to the survival and abundance of a wide range of wildlife including thrushes, lapwing, curlew, buzzard, moles, badger, robins, rooks, frogs, ants and can even form up to 34% of the diet of foxes. A healthy soil is also fundamental to establishing a resilient cropping system able to cope with adverse weather patterns.

Farmers are also encouraged to keep wide field margins around the edge of their crop fields, some planted with special seed mix, others left to develop their own flora, to encourage a wide range of insects with butterflies. This provides habitats for beetles, spiders and nesting birds. Pollen and nectar rich margins support many invertebrates including multiple bee species, which are vital to British wildlife. The combination of hedge and field margin provides a good base for wildlife and the network of hedges and field margins across farms provide wildlife corridors.

An environmental stewardship scheme with different levels is provided by DEFRA and many farms are in the Higher Level Stewardship scheme (HLS) which pays land-managers to take areas out of production and focus on creating and maintaining wildlife habitats. Administered by Natural England, the scheme’s primary objectives are to conserve wildlife (biodiversity), maintain and enhance landscape quality and character, protect the historic environment and natural resources, promote public access and understanding of the countryside, and protect natural resources.

In conclusion, farmers are working hard with multiple organisations behind the scenes to ensure that our agriculture sector is sustainable enough so that the wildlife we have in this country can be preserved for future generations.

Natasha Blackburn-Friesinger