Footprint Magazine 1 - Oceans | Page 10



1-Don’t use disposable plastic

8million tonnes of plastic waste is dumped into oceans per year, and by 2050 the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation say there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish! With around 50% of plastic produced being used only once, we need to ensure that we use plastic responsibly. It takes 250ml of oil and 6l of water to make one 1l plastic bottle, so we must use our resources responsibly. Choose paper and glass containers where possible. Avoid plastic bags, bottles, disposable cups, cutlery and straws.

2-Eat less fish

32% of the world’s fish stocks are exploited beyond sustainable limits according to the UN FAO. Stocks of predatory fish like tuna, cod and halibut have depleted by 90%. Choose sustainably caught fish and limit the amount of fish you eat. Check the Good Fish Guide to ensure you are eating sustainable fish.

3-Reduce your carbon footprint

Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has led to the increased greenhouse effect, increasing global temperatures and increasing ocean temperatures. The sea has also become more acidic as the carbon dioxide dissolves in the water, which can affect delicate marine ecosystems like coral. Choose to drive less, instead carpool, cycle or use public transport. Also choose local products like fruit and vegetables and reduce fish and meat consumption. At home reduce the number of appliances you have switched on, and unplug electronics.

4-Choose sustainable pet food

A 2008 study of the pet food industry found that 2.48 million tonnes of forage (fish like sardines and herrings eaten by predatory fish) were used for wet cat food per year. This has impacted the stocks of predatory fish due to a lack of food. Ensure you buy sustainable pet food. Don’t buy fish caught in the wild as pets.

Every small change makes an impact!

By Elizabeth Bourn