Foothills Times September 2019 November 2019 FOOTHILS TIMES | Page 57
Helpless with nowhere to turn.
by Elizabeth Setliff
he thing about depression is it can drain you from you, and no one will ever see it. It’s a living a
nightmare walking around with a mask. All the fake smiles behind the hurting soul, the one who feels
like they just don’t quite fit in. Yes they can even have kids and a full time job, but want to sleep and cry
themselves to sleep every night. Feeling helpless with nowhere to turn. To live with depression and battle the
struggle of just wanting to get out of bed each and every morning. People do it though, just to hide the fact that
they actually have depression, and others will never know how silent that battle truly is. Some may lose the battle,
some may battle forever, and few can overcome. Each individual has their own way of coping with this problem. I
have lived this myself, I have battled my own obstacle, and hopefully I can say I have overcome my depression.
The goal is to fight, to try, to overcome everyday the very best you can. If I can do it, you can too! I promise! 57