Football Focus Issue 69 | Page 19

Small Grants Scheme
Replacement of unsafe goalposts
Several serious injuries and fatalities have occurred as a result of unsafe goalposts in recent years . With safety always of paramount importance The Football Association , along with the Department for Culture , Media and Sport , the Health and Safety Executive and the British Standards Institution lay out the following guidelines :
1 . Goalposts of all sizes must be anchored securely to the ground or have a weighted back bar .
2 . The use of metal cup hooks on any part of the goal frame was banned from the 2007- 08 season . Nets may be secured by plastic fixings , arrow head shaped plastic hooks or tape . All metal cup hooks should be removed and replaced
3 . ‘ home made ’ or altered goalposts should not be used under any circumstances
4 . The FA recommends that wooden goals should be replaced when necessary with compliant metal , aluminium or plastic goalposts . All wooden goals previously tested by independent consultants have failed strength and stability tests
Portable floodlights
At the top level of Football they are a necessity but floodlights have become increasingly popular to clubs of all sizes across the country . At its most basic level , the main advantage of installing floodlights is that they allow the game to be played at night .
This in turn has the potential to provide club ’ s with a valuable source of additional income with the option of hiring out their pitches which can also serve to improve their relationship with the local community .
The introduction of high quality all weather pitches combined with floodlights has opened up even more possibilities with the capability there to host games and training every night of the week all year round which again can be a massive boost to football clubs at any level .

Eligible projects

One option for clubs looking to add floodlights is through the Football Foundation which accepts applications through The Premier League and The FA Facilities Fund
Small Grants Scheme for portable floodlights . These are a costeffective way to allow sides to train using their own facilities .
Portable floodlights are a cost-effective way of allowing your organisation to train during the hours of darkness using your own facilities . The Premier League and The FA Facilities Fund Small Grants Scheme will accept applications for both new and previously owned portable floodlights . If they are previously owned , equipment should be purchased from a reputable dealer , with a minimum 12 month warranty .
Storage containers
The provision of storage containers is a simple costeffective way of increasing your storage capacity for equipment , and perhaps freeing up space within your site for better uses . In order to apply for containers the need for additional storage will need to be justified and funding can be used for the purchase of new or fully refurbished storage containers with a minimum of a 12 month warranty .
Planning permission may be needed for the installation of a storage container . Either confirmation of planning permission or written confirmation that it is not required should be obtained before submitting an application .
It is often essential for clubs to have their site suitably enclosed for security and safety reasons . The Small Grants Scheme will fund boundary fencing or ball retention fencing if it improves security or safety .
The justification for the work along with the specification / schedule of work should be included in the application . This should include the length of the fencing , the height of the fencing and its construction as well as the size and number of gates to be provided .
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