Football Fanatic Volume 1 | Page 9

myMagazine/ April, 2013 9

As the final, and largest reason for leicester's failure, we must look into the psychiology of each player on the field. It is a proven fact that atheletes proform, on average, much better when there is a common goal to be reached. Seeing as Leicester poured heart and soul into the previous season, coming out on top of the league, there is now no goal to be set. Sure, they could attempt for a second title win, but this is a miniscule feat when compared to what was accomplished previously. Given the effort that was needed, the team has subconciously changed into a mindset of indifferance, not caring whether or not they win at all. However, this mindset is not openly admitted to, or perhaps even know, by each player. This is why the openess is lacking- because not even the players know what has happened. With no more goal to reach, and fewer fans cheering for the underdogs, there is a lack of drive that is needed to win a championship, regardless of the sport.

Essentially, Leicester City does not have the urge to try as hard as they need to. A common saying is "Shoot for the moon, if you miss you'll land amoung the stars". But why shoot for the moon, when you've already experienced all it has to offer?
