Football Fanatic Volume 1 | Page 5

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myMagazine/ April, 2013 5

It is suggested that 75% of families globally have at least one member who participates in a sport of some type. While this seems like an absolute benefit to society, the fact that obesity rates are rapidly rising inspires some questioning. Although this article is not to deter children from sports, it may shed light on some of the negatives, as well as the positives, of our current sporting organizations. These benefits and drawbacks range from physical health, mental state of mind, and correlations between sports and other health-effecting decisions which youth often are confronted with. A common misconception is that physical activity affects one's physical health only; in fact, that is opnly the tip of the iceburg.

In a world of Ever increasing inactivity...

To begin with, the physical wellness is the most obvious and focused upon factors influenced by physical activity. This doesnt always refer to one's body size or composition, however. One of the major concerns is injuries which occur to children during sports. Each year, there are approximately 2.6 million sports-related trips to the hospital, involving individuals aged 5 to 24. This suggests that most if not every sport has the danger of severe injury, some of which can be permanent or long term, and deter a child from that sport. The fault is not in the child, but rather improper gear, untrained coaches, and lack of proper sports training. Coaches and parents should therefore focus on these aspects. It will lead to fewer injuries, and happier kids. This being said, there are absolute positives when looking at physical wellness. Consistant physical activity causes a healthier heart, stronger muscles, and a generally healthy body. This includes lower levels of fat percentage, due to the burning of excess calories.

Perhaps one of the most important differances that physical activity provides, is the change to the mind. It has been proven that those who are consistantly active also have a more active brain. This includes, but is not limited to, a higher degree of concentration, imagination, and problem skills. Being involved in sports also greatly increases a child's ability to work as part of team- an essential part of childhood development. However, among these benefits, lie some drawbacks. While children tend to enjoy the spoils of winning and accomplishment, they can often be discouraged by failure. This can mean losing a game or event, not being recognized for their actions, and not reaching personal goals. This often makes competetive events at a young age difficult, and should therefore be avoided, so that children will not be discouraged. In short- make the events fun and entertaining, and recognize each children's strengths. This will ensure that the youth's mental state remains positive towards the activity.

Finally, one of the least focused upon aspects of sports is the correlation between physical activity and descision making outside of sports. Many studies have been conducted on these correlations, and the evidence seems to draw to one conclusion: that those who participate in sports are much less likely to participate in harmful and dangerous activites. For example, it has been found that those who partake in sports are less likely to participate in risky activities...