foodpanda ZINE | 9th Issue | MARCH 2015 THE ORIGINS OF FOOD | Page 5
Sometime in the 1800s, while working on her farm near
Sydney, Australia, Maria Ana Smith found a small sapling
growing where she had discarded some rotten apples days
earlier. She replanted the tree and it eventually bore fruit,
green apples with a tart flavor. She shared these apples
with her friends and neighbours and they grew in fame.
This dreamy baked white dessert made of meringue
crust, whipped cream and fresh fruits such as strawberries and kiwis, is named after the Russian prima
ballerina Anna Matveyevna Pavlova. The name and
the recipes began soon after she toured both Australia and New Zealand in 1926. Anna Pavlova was
considered the greatest ballerina of her time and
her visit to New Zealand has been described as
“the chief event of 1926”. It was said “she does not
dance; she soars as though on wings”. This totally
does justice to that light, airy dessert.