“With our indoor system, we can closely monitor our fish’s feed
intake and adjust our feeding on the fly with minimal impact,”
Garwood added. “A closely monitored feeding and water system
reduces our own waste of production, and should provide a more
consistent product when it reaches the consumer’s table”.
Thanks to family farms like Cardinal, we may see Australian sea
bass and other seafood in our restaurants and stores in the very near
future – grown right here, sustainably, in Nebraska.
Accessibility to information is the next key component to
sustainable seafood. In addition to the NOAA and MSC, there
are several organizations that have apps that you can install on
your phone. Seafood Watch by the Monterey Bay Aquarium gives
consumers several easy features. Users can search by their GPS
coordinates to find retailers and restaurants that provide
sustainable seafood. My favorite feature of the app is the ease of
which “best choice, good choice and avoid choices” can be found.
“Now that consumers have the
knowledge, the interest and
accessibility to sustainable seafood,
the most important resource is
our pocketbook.”
Oysters on the Half Shell • Po’Boys
Walleye • Ahi Tuna • Jamabalaya
Clam Strips • Crab Cakes • Clam Chowda
Daily Fish Specials & more!
In a couple clicks, consumers can determine if the seafood in front
of them is a best choice environmentally or if it’s an “avoid” choice.
The app also recommends alternatives to avoid choices.
Thanks to the efforts of the NOAA, MSC and others, it’s actually
easier than one may think to find sustainable seafood in Omaha.
I ventured to several supermarkets across the metro area to examine
the availability and ease of determining sustainable seafood.
Whole Foods prides itself on their diversity of sustainable choices,
and the ease of determining where the product came from. All the
fresh and frozen labels detail the species and its origination.
The MSC label is prominently found throughout other
supermarkets in the city. Baker’s and Hy-Vee have selections
of fish displayed in their seafood case with the MSC label.
They also provide ample choices in their frozen fish with the MSC
certification. Shrimp and shellfish require a bit more attention,
but both chains had several products with MSC labels.
When making seafood purchases it’s important to be observant
and ask questions of vendors. The NOAA encourages customers
to trust their senses. “Our seafood inspectors often say “the nose
knows” – if a seafood counter or freezer case smells fishy, go
somewhere else. Fresh, quality seafood should smell like the ocean,
not sour or fishy.”
There is no substitute for knowing your vendors well and the
products they provide. Brian Leinbach, Retail Manager of the
Absolutely Fresh Seafood Market at 119th and Pacific Street in
Omaha, has noticed a difference in customers’ engagement in the
entire consumption cycle. He believes a knowledgeable consumer
is a good thing for all three parties: the consumer, the business, and
the environment.
“Customers are more educated now, asking more questions about
our products,” he said.
“We pride ourselves on our staff having the knowledge of what
the product is, where it is from, and how to cook it.”
Ryan Stover, Regional Seafood Coordinator for Whole Foods,
says employee knowledge is paramount to their
department’s success.
“In a city like Omaha, it’s very important to ask questions of
consumers. The variance in taste in seafood is unlike any other
meat, so it’s important to know the type of fish they prefer.
Once we do, we can make a better recommendation for other types
of seafood,” Leinbach said.
“We’ve found farm raised Atlantic salmon out of the Faroe Islands
in the northeast Atlantic. It’s an excellent product taste wise,
available year-round, and sustainable”.
Now that consumers have the knowledge, the interest and
accessibility to sustainable seafood, the most important resource is
our pocketbook. Retailers such as Absolutely Fresh and your local
supermarket need sufficient demand to make it economical for
both their business and the consumer. Positive customer feedback
is imperative to a wider selection. The Omaha Whole Foods store
recently did a full-scale oyster promotion.
“We realized Omaha had very few places that exposed customers
to the best possible consumption of oysters” said Stover.
The promotion included a sale, display, shucking, and education.
“We had excellent sustained feedback from customers about
the oysters. We ‘re now making more oysters available to the store
because of increased demand” he added.
Farmed products such as the Faroe Island Salmon and Cardinal
Farm Barramundi will be brought to the counter fresh and year
round with consistent demand. With seasonal wild fish such as
Mahi Mahi or flounder, consumers must create a significant market
in the peak season to see a consistent supply locally.
Sustainable seafood consumption is a chance for industry
and individuals to work together to benefit all parties and
our ecosystem. Technology is making it more cost effective for
farmers to produce it, retailers to acquire it, and consumers to
purchase environmentally sustainable seafood. Small steps like a few
clicks on your mobile device and asking a couple questions of your
local vendor can bring home a meal that benefits your family and
our oceans at the same time.
Now Open
1911 Leavenworth St