Food Quality Magazine October 2015 | Page 23

Food Quality Magazine ISSUE 04 | OCTOBER 2015 mes seaweed as in form of seaweed snacks because it has big number of nutrients, including high levels of vitamins A and C, and calcium, high amounts of iodine, potassium, selenium, iron, and magnesium. The grate thing to remember is that all this comes in a very low-calorie package. Development of suppliers As noted in Delhaize Group project, development of suppliers can go through developing of animal feed or improving of soil. Important step would be the training for suppliers in changing the conditions of production and demands for healthier raw materials and healthier food programs. At the end it comes clear that future customer demands for healthy food and healthier choices will have effects on global changes in food safety demands. Development of healthier products and providing healthy food for market ultimately will change the food safety standards and we can expect, beside allergen management and labeling, more concrete demands in them. Changes then will be visible in time of effectiveness of food safety on health of consumer, and when healthy becomes the inseparable part of food safety then we can say that our food product is 100% safe. Author of this article, Spec. Sanit. Eco. Ing. Vladimir SurĨinski, is Auditor and Trainer, Quality Austria Center d.o.o. Belgrade, Serbia. 23