Food Mexico and Me Aug. 2015 | Page 6

and FOOD MEXICo me In 2013, the first issue was printed with a dream of helping people live healthy, wealthy, and nutritious lives. At first, it was a struggle finding content suitable to the diverse regions and cultures in Mexico. But the friends we have made along the way made this magazine a possibility. Kenneth Isom Barnes FooD Mexico me and SUMMER 2015 Executive Editor Tuna SalSa Japanese style Mexican chocolaTe LaBru — morelia’s Craft brewery mole reCipe GuacaMole ingredients and Green tomatoes salsa for a healthy and nutritious breakfast Hand-made pizza with olives and tomatoes Green Queso Fundido Rick Bayless interview Queso Fundido Verde Sushi Time Adventures from a Japanese Home Kitchen 2015 + Melissa & Daniel Food Mexico and Me began as Food Acapulco and now offers a complete advertising strategy. It is printed and marketed not only in Sanborn’s news and magazines area, but also on Facebook and Twitter. It currently has over 5000 copies distributed in more than 50 cities plus an English version in the United States. Story of Love Rich Range of Japanese Recipe • impoRtance of natuRal Wines • succotash With chicken The magazine was printed in six different languages... it was then Food Acapulco. Composed of staff from around the globe, the magazine was born. 2013 ACAPULCO Panes FOOD PRIMAVERA 2013 Consejos para satisfacer esos antojos infantiles Siga su Pasión ¿Debería usted ser chef? Descubra por qué los panaderos son personas especiales construir para el futuro Descubra cómo están cambiando los chefs su forma de pensar Comida Organica Comprenda mejor sus beneficios y obtenga algunas ideas sobre cómo integrarla al menú diario