Sushi Time
Ingredients: 2 cups steamed short-grain-rice, 1/2 cup rice-vinegar, 1/2 cup avocado, 1/2 cup cooked shrimps, 1 small seedless cucumber
slice, 1 package roasted seaweed sheets, 2 peeled carrots, sliced in sticks, 1/2 cup cream cheese, 1/2 cup soy sauce, Salt to taste, 1/2 cup
wasabi-sauce, Pieces of freshly cut lemon, Finely chopped garlic Cinnamon.
Before you start your Sushi preparation, you have to prepare the rice. Add the rice vinegar to the steamed rice and mix. You should
obtain a sticky rice, which will help your roll to stick together.
Preparing the
Rice Mat
Arranging the
veggie Ingredients
Spread the Nori seaweed sheet on a
table. Spread the Sushi mat and place
the seaweed sheet over the mat. Take a
portion of the prepared rice (approximately
the size of a baseball) and spread it
evenly on the seaweed sheet to uniform
thickness. Make sure to see that the
rice layer does not exceed the mat
length. It would be better to leave some
space along the sides and corners.
Arrange the avocado, cucumber and carrot
slices in order, starting from one end of
the mat and extending to the other end.
You can decide about the thickness of the
vegetable layer depending on your taste.
Now, arrange the shrimp as the second layer.
If the shrimp is too hot, allow a cooling time
of 1 minute. Make sure the size of each sliced
shrimp is the same. It would be a better idea,
if you can place thinly sliced layers of shrimp
on one another. Then add thin slices of cream
cheese. If you want, you can spread a thin
layer of spices of your choice in between.
Repetitive Layering
Now if you wish, you can place one more layer of
vegetables on top of the shrimp and cream cheese layer.
The double layers give extra taste to your roll. The spicy
layer can be customized based on your choice.
34 Food Mexico and Me Special Edition 2015