Food Marketing & Technology - India June 2019 | Page 32

Processing Fig. 5: Approximately 800 g hazelnuts of characteristic features of the sampling seem difficult. Problematic during the sample preparation are often the high content of sugars and the vitamin content. An embrittlement with liquid nitrogen seems therefore unavoidable, in order to change the breaking behavior of the hard candy and to guarantee the temperature stability of the vitamins. Fig. 6: Hazelnuts after 30 seconds grinding in the grinding vessel made of stainless steel All this can also be carried out with the Knife Mill PULVERISETTE 11. A beforehand conducted embrittlement in the stainless steel vessel, as well as only a brief comminution of 20 seconds at 5,000 rpm, create a finely distributed powder without a too high application of energy. On the trail of mycotoxins Mycotoxins as metabolites of mildew, like aspergillus niger or aspergillus flavus, present a health risk for the consumer. But also the economic losses, as well as the possible not identified An embrittlement with liquid nitrogen seems therefore unavoidable, in order to change the breaking behavior of the hard candy and to guarantee the temperature stability of the vitamins Fig. 6: Hazelnuts after 30 seconds grinding in the grinding vessel made of stainless steel infestation and the associated spoilage of the quality due to mildew is enormous. Especially significant are the so called aflatoxins, since they are already carcinogenic in the slightest amounts. Due to this reason, are the det e ction limits in the range of a few μ g/ kg. Especially prone to such “mildew n e st s” are spices or nuts of any kind. Based on the f or mation of nest s in such material samples, the representative sample preparation for Food Marketing & Technology 32 June 2019 a laboratory sample r equires a relativel y large sampl e size. That’s why dur i ng the tests wit h the Knife Mill PULVERISETTE 11 approximately 80 0 g hazelnuts were processed. Initially, the interval mode of 3 x 5 seconds with 4,500 rpm was utilized, and th e n t he entire sample was homogenized again for 15 s e conds at 6 ,50 0 rpm. * Holger Brecht is Sales Engineer with Fritsch GmbH Milling + Sieving.