Food Marketing & Technology - India July 2019 | Page 20
ealthy eating is a complex
challenge. As such, achieving
it successfully is almost
always a team effort rather than the
responsibility of any single individual,
or individual company. It’s impossible
for consumers to improve their
diets if they’re surrounded by – and
bombarded with adverts for – products
packed full of unhealthy ingredients.
And the success of companies with a
healthy eating mission often depends
on partnerships with others that
share their values. This is a story
about two companies – Wonderchup
and Lycored – who found they had
a similar mission, and have worked
together to offer consumers a healthy
new product. having suffered from flu and, as a
result, has a weak immune system. She
also has a second heart condition called
SVT, and both conditions are kept in
check through a healthy lifestyle. Her
son was born with two holes in his
heart. And on her husband Karl’s side
of the family, there have been three
bereavements from breast cancer.
Elise Daly knows better than anyone
the importance of healthy diet. She
is currently on her fifth pace-maker The realization that nobody else was
doing it was the inspiration to change
things herself. It all started at a family
So Elise’s family has particularly good
reason to eat healthily. But despite all
the evidence that excessively sugary
products are harmful – toxic even –
she has realized that they are very
hard to avoid. It has struck her that
too few companies are offering healthy
products, and that fast foods covered
in sugary ketchup are everywhere.
barbecue, where she decided to make a
batch of healthy, ketchup. She used Isle
of Wight tomatoes, which are naturally
sweet, roasted peppers fennel, garlic,
onion, rosemary, apple cider vinegar
and rapeseed oil. Crucially, she left
out both sugar and salt. The kids loved
it. Her son said: “Everybody should
have this” and her daughter added
“It would be good for everyone, go on
Mummy, think of how many people
you could help”. That advice was the
catalyst for something bigger – Elise
and Karl resolved to solve the “ketchup
That was how ‘Wonderchup’, the
concept of a healthy sugar-free
ketchup, was born. As a designer, Elise
saw at once how it could be designed
and marketed, but she lacked hands on
experience of the food industry.
One of the things she wanted to do was
to increase the amount of Lycopene in
her recipe. She had learned that this
could be achieved by using tomato
concentrate – rather than puree –
which would also intensify umami
and kokumi taste experiences, both
of which, she learned, were proven to
increase consumer liking.
Elise Daly knows better than
anyone the importance of
healthy diet. She is currently
on her fi fth pace-maker
having suffered from fl u
and, as a result, has a weak
immune system
Food Marketing & Technology
July 2019