Food MArketing & Technology In India CC for web-HIgh Res | Page 52
1:00 pm to 1:15 pm Registration 1:15 pm to 1:30 pm Introduction Mr. Ajinkya Chopade 1:30 pm to 2:15 pm Seminar Mr. Saquib Pathan Cattery Management
2:15 pm to 3:15 pm Seminar Dr. Kunal Dev Sharma Basic Feline Management
3:15 pm to 4:15 pm Seminar Prof. Utpal Tatu 4:15 pm to 5:00 pm Seminar Dr. Vinod Sharma Pet Biotech: Pioneering
Feline Healthcare &
Feline Dental Care and
Fungal Infection
1. Feline Dental Care 7. Breed Orientation
2. Feline Nutrition 8. Science behind cat litter
3. Skin Infections and Skin Health in Cats 9. Feline nutrition and care
4. Feline Infectious Diseases 10. Biologically appropriate cat food
5. Advancements in diagnoses of cat diseases 11. Pet insurance and benefits of mocrochipping
6. Kitten Upkeep 12.Clinically proven diet
What is Feline Club of India ?
Feline Club of India is the only active organization in country working towards the betterment and elevation of Cat Fancy in India
India was in need of a cat registry as it is necessary to keep a check on the breeding practices. Inline breeding is a serious issue, due
to which the kittens are deformed or have serious health issues. This can be avoided by ancestral tracking, which can be done by
microchipping the cats. A cat registry lays down certain breed standards for cats, which have to be followed by breeders in order to
develop and maintain good quality, healthy cats.
A cat registry can provide a platform to do all this and more. FCI Conducts its Activities mainly in the form of 3 events – Conventions,
Registration Drives and Cat Shows
These Efforts Channelize and Bring Growth in the Industry. The Feline Segment in India has grown Haphazardly in an unsystematic manner.
Events like those put up by the FCI Integrate and bring maturity to the Feline Segment in the country.